Look on the sunny side. Birthdays are an important day for lots of us. Don’t make it about getting older. Make his or her birthday complete with a terrific toast.
Why give a toast?
Birthday toasts salute the guest of honor. A testimonial. Giving a birthday toast is your gift to the birthday “boy or girl” and all the guests who await something refreshing.
It also offers a quick moment of stardom for the toaster. A special minute of fame. The toast has to be about the guest of honor, of course. A toast isn’t offered to steal the limelight.
A birthday toast is your special moment. A perfect time to profess how the guest of honor means so much to you. How he or she has become a part of your life. Your toast should bring smiles, cheers, maybe even tears. Yes, a great toast has that power.
How to give a toast
Call to the attention of the guests a toast is about to get underway. Make sure you have everyone’s attention. Wait until you do. Birthday toasts may be pre-written or impromptu. Whatever works best for you. Be able to convey your message from the heart.
Preparation before the toast
You may need to do some research first to get to know more about the guest of honor. You can talk to the “toastee“, family members, and friends for unique stories to share during the event.
Asking the host of the event about the general make-up of the crowd is also useful. That gives you a hint about what to include and what to ignore in your toast. There are also certain etiquettes to muster before calling for a toast. Example: The rim of your class must be kept lower than the others as a form of respect in China. (1)
And Our Expert Says…
Do you know the difference between a toast and a speech?
- Toasts are most frequently given at celebratory events like a milestone birthday party, an engagement, or a wedding. The person proposing the toast will request all those present to raise their glasses, and drink in honor of the person whose birthday it is or the couple.
- A toast may be a single sentence. For example, “I call on you to raise your glasses and drink to the ongoing good health and happiness of our good friend Jo.”
- Or a speech could end with a toast. For instance wedding speeches generally finish with a toast to the bride and groom. For instance: “To the bride and groom – May we all be invited to your golden wedding celebrations!”
- And toast is sometimes used to mean a brief speech. Confused? Don’t be. The guidelines on this page for preparing a toast are perfect for whatever occasion you’re celebrating: a birthday, wedding or an engagement.
- Here are examples of short sincere engagement toasts. Use them as starters to help you prepare the toast you need to.
Be ready. Know when you are to offer the toast and the duration. Just worry about the right timing, however, if it is impromptu. Watch for the perfect time, such as when you can get everyone’s attention. A good time could be when the first-course dinner plates are collected. (1)
Creating your toast
Here’s a format for a great toast: (2)
⦁ Hook. Begin with one to three lines about the guest of honor (toastee). (2) Hook the guests to your opening line with some of the toastee’s quirks or intriguing tidbits. Your intro can be like this: “(Name of the birthday celebrant) is the first person you’d think of when ….”
⦁ Background. Tell the audience when it is all ears why you’re giving a toast and how you are related to the toastee. (1, 2) One to two lines should suffice. (1)
⦁ Story. Add a story or two depending on how much time you’ve been allotted. One story is good for about a minute or so, but two stories can take from two to five minutes. (2) A perfect story would be humorous, vivid, interactive, and engaging. Make it a fun and unforgettable story of you and the toastee.
Go easy with your stories. Don’t tell it If it will possibly offend the celebrant or any guest. The cheers may turn on you if you try too hard to be funny. You also may call out a guest in the audience, for example, if he or she is in your story. You may say: “(Name of the guest), you were there, too. Back me up here…” End the story with a punchline. It can be a plot twist, a surprise ending, or a lighthearted yet heartwarming moral. (2)
⦁ Clink. This is the part of the speech when you can be sentimental and impart your well wishes, appreciation, and gratitude to the birthday celebrant and all the guests.
More tips
Practice. It will help you modulate the tone and volume of your voice. Try to memorize when you practice. This also will free you from reading your notes, which frees you up to interact more with everyone present.
No apologies. Don’t know the guest of honor very well? No worries. make your speech a relay of testimonials from the people who knew the toastee very well and with whom you talked to beforehand.
Keep it short. The aim is to highlight the importance of the event for everybody. Toasts generally precede drinking up. Don’t be afraid of offering a toast. We have some good ideas and inspiration for birthday toasts right here:
Funny Ideas of Birthday Toasts for Friends
Few of us want to hear a long boring toast. Funny birthday toasts are always in style.
- Smart, sophisticated, friendly, and beautiful… Now that’s enough about me… Here’s a toast to you my dear friend! Ha-Ha
- May you die in bed at 95 years, shot by a jealous wife (husband)!
- To a secret that has the whole world (and this whole room) buzzing with excitement and wonder: your real age.
- Cheers to the star of this evening! I believe I drank so many times for your health that I have ravaged my own.
- I’ve drank to your health in taverns, I’ve drank to your health in my home, I’ve drank to your health so damn many times, I believe I’ve ruined my own!
- May your liquor be cold, May your women/men be hot. And may your troubles slide off of you slicker than snot.
Birthday Cheers for Dad to Melt His Heart
Is it Dad’s birthday? Choose what you want to say carefully. After all, it’s Dad. Try one of our birthday cheers:
- I want to raise a glass to an absolute gentleman, a loving husband, and amazing dad. Words cannot express the way we feel towards you as you continue to radiate your happiness to each and every one of us. You truly are an example of what success is and on that note, I would like us all raise a glass to wish this man a happy birthday!
- When things get too difficult for you as well as keeping your promises, just know it in your heart that we, your loved ones, always understands what you’re going through. You can always ask us for help and if you want someone to talk to. Have a Wonderful Birthday Dear Dad!
- Amazing achievements deserve amazing awards. You’ve won many battles and now it’s time to reap your rewards. Today, just relax and enjoy the fruit of your labor for you deserve it! Best Bday Dad!
- This is such a big honor for me to toast you. You are an exemplary father, who possesses all the attributes of honesty, thoughtfulness, love, faithfulness, integrity, gentleness, purity, and devotion. This is literally a terrific day, because, it is your birthday. Wishing you a very happy Birthday my dear dad.
- Dad, I love you, I thank you, and I am honored to call you both my father and my teacher. May you continue from strength to strength.
- I want to take this moment to toast the best dad anyone could ever ask for. Happy Birthday to the best dad ever!
Romantic Toast for Boyfriend to Wish Happy Birthday
The main task of all toasts to your boyfriend is to let him know how important he is to you. Both love and passion should be reflected in your birthday toast. Are you ready to raise a glass and say “Happy birthday” to your bae? Here are some ideas:
- I wanna take this opportunity to tell you this. No matter what happens, good or bad, I will always be right by your side till the end. Happy Bday my Love!
- I would like to offer a toast to the most handsome, loving, and kind-hearted gentleman in my life – my dearest boyfriend! Wonderful Bday my Love! I love you so much!
- The greatest gift I ever received in my life is you. You’re the one that I will always love and cherish for the rest of my life. Hoping you feel the same way too! Cheers to your birthday my love!
- You are an awesome human being, with such a loving heart. You are a rarity in this world and you should never lose that. Happy Birthday! May you keep shining on everyone you meet.
- What could I possibly do without you as part of me? You complete me in ways I cannot even begin to comprehend. Have a great time on your birthday for me, you and everyone here!
- We met a stranger and start our journey with a single ‘Hi’ and a delighted smile on our faces. With time, we shared all our moments, the moments of joy, happiness, and sorrow, the moments of missing and togetherness. I just want to say wherever or with whom you are in life, I will always love you. Cheers to your Birthday.
Creative Samples of Toasting Speeches for Birthday
Birthday speeches are another variety of toasting. But, there is a big difference: speeches are longer. Use one of the following samples of toasting speeches as a guideline:
- As we get older, we become wiser and start to understand what truly matters in life. Not the possessions we hold and the statuses we so claim. I feel what really matters is the people most closest to us as this reflects who we are as human beings. I must say this person who’s birthday we are celebrating is such a beautiful person inside and out and I am sure we all feel blessed to have this amazing soul in our lives. So let us all raise a toast to celebrate their birthday with many more to come. Cheers!
- From the moment I met you, I knew you were a keeper. You still are. You light up every room you enter with your loving, caring, happy, silly, funny, life-of-the-party ways. It gives me and everyone in this room, I’m sure, immense pleasure to be here tonight and celebrate you on your birthday. Happy birthday! Let’s all raise our glasses to the sweetest and youngest person we know! may you celebrate many more birthdays in great health and even greater spirits.
- Many, many, many thanks for all you do. You truly live by the motto of giving everything and expecting nothing in return. I don’t think I know a more thoughtful and generous person. For everyone who knows and loves you, you are our resourceful, loving and health nut, devoted to family and friends, over whom you fuss, spoil and most definitely feed — hungry or not — whenever we come to visit you. For me, today is a chance to say proudly that I feel so fortunate and honored to have you not only as my friend but also as my inspiration. Along with your tremendous love and support, you’ve brought, by example, immense joy and purpose into my life.
- Dearest (NAME), I congratulate you and wish you a happy birthday for growing a year older. It is always nice to be in your company because you are such a fun loving person. It amazes me how you are able to perfect the art of putting smiles on faces of people around you. Indeed, you should be contesting for the award of the “The World’s Funniest”. All my life I’ve never seen anyone that is as loving and caring as you. And in addition to that you have an excellent sense of humor, which makes you the more wonderful. I wouldn’t trade your company for all the gold in the world. How blessed I am to have a magnificent person like you.
- On special days like today, I think we should make merry and let the whole world know that we are celebrating the most important day of the year. I pray for many days like today for you, but I hope you know that more birthdays come with more wrinkles on your face. Anyway, I know you love birthdays and wouldn’t mind having many wrinkles on your face just to celebrate another birthday. May this birthday bring joy and happiness to you.
Best Ideas of Birthday Toasting for Everybody
Going to a birthday party? Don’t forget to prepare a toast in addition to bringing a gift. Here are some good ideas:
- Here is a toast to the noblest person I know. On this special day, may you be reminded how precious you are to all of us. May you continue to grow in you your wisdom and remember that we love you dearly for all that you are. Happy Birthday!
- Here’s a toast, to the most wonderful person I have ever met. Your energy and vibrancy touches anyone who crosses your path. Everyone in this room here today is better for knowing you and we are truly thankful for you being a part of our lives. Happy birthday and may you continue to shine for many more years to come.
- As time passes on and you certainly get older, may you continue in celebrating the joy of life through your inner child and the strength of your fellow youth. Happy birthday!
- May your past be dim, your future be bright, and may today be the light the guides you. Happy birthday!
- Another year has been added to your life. As you look back the recent pages of your life, take comfort and pride in your achievements. Today, take time to relax and enjoy your day because you deserve it!
- Cheers to one of the greatest achievers I’ve ever met! You’re such an amazing person for you have made it through every challenge that came to your life. You’ve been such a great inspiration to people like me. Wonderful Birthday!
Famous Quotes to Use as Birthday Toast for Husband
A birthday toast for a husband from his wife should be deep and caring. Put your heart into it. Here are some famous quotes you can use:
- As Jane Green said, I think the greatest gifts we can give each other in a relationship are the gifts of kindness and communication. Happy birthday, love.
- According to Lao Tzu, being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage. I love you! Happy birthday dear husband.
- I want to agree with Alfred Tennyson, if I had a flower for every time I thought of you… I could walk through my garden forever. Happy birthday to my life partner!
- Barbara De Angelis claimed that we don’t develop courage by being happy every day. We develop it by surviving difficult times and challenging adversity. Happy birthday, my love.
- Quoting Martin Luther, there is no more lovely, friendly and charming relationship, communion or company than a good marriage. Happy birthday dear husband, stay blessed.
Clever Toasts for Birthday to Boost Your Mind
Funny toasts are good, but clever is better. It’s easy to choose a toast to put a smile on the faces of all the guests. We can help you be clever:
- To this fine person standing before me. On your birthday, I wish you nothing but the best on you future endeavors and want you to know that we all are proud of you and love you dearly. As one of the most brilliant minds once said “Stay hungry. Stay foolish”.
- Some people drink from a glass half empty and some drink from a glass half full. It’s your birthday, so drink as many glasses as you want.
- May your voyage through life be as happy and free as the dancing waves of the deep blue sea…and may you ride the crest of these waves the rest of your days. Happy birthday!
- So what if you’re another year older. Think of it this way: Technically, at this very moment, you’re not even a day older than yesterday, so cheers to your birthday and the best days of your life yet to come!
- May you have the hindsight to dwell only on the best moments, the foresight to live in the moment and the insight to see beauty in every moment. Happy birthday!
Sentimental Birthday Speech to Impress Guests
Be the person who can make all guests laugh and perhaps even cry while listening to your speech. Here are some sentimental ideas:
- While you all make sure you have a beer or other refreshment handy for a toast, I want to say a few words about what brings us here to celebrate this special day. On your birthday, I’d like to say that the little things you did for me have always made the difference. You are my support and my strength. You made me believe in me. I wish you the best birthday ever! On your birthday, I want to say again, how very much I appreciate all that you have done for me. God has truly blessed me with you! Have an amazing birthday!
- I hope that you have felt very special today and that you know how much you are loved. I am so thankful for you, and I love all the wonderful times we have shared together. You’ve brought so much joy and happiness to my life. No gift could ever show the amount of love and respect I have for you. You’re the greatest gift God has ever given me. You have shown me so much love and support all my life. All the wonderful times I’ve spent with you will be sweet memories for the rest of my life. You are my strength and inspiration. Happy Birthday!
- You’ve brought me some of the most precious memories and happiest moments of my life. I hope your birthday is filled with love, joy, fun and care. I hope you find plenty of reasons to smile on your birthday and throughout the year. This birthday greeting is filled to the brim with loving thoughts, sweet memories, wonderful dreams, and tons of happy smiles. Wishing you a day, this is as special in every way as you are.
- As you celebrate the joys of your birthday, may you be surrounded by love, may you find many peaceful moments, and may you be blessed with happiness. You’ve brought so much joy and happiness to my life – I hope your birthday brings you everything you’re dreaming of. You are always in my prayers and thoughts, and I wish you the best on your special day and every day.
- I hope you’ll enjoy today, whatever you do, and that your day will be special – just like you! My birthday wish for you: I hope you never stop enjoying the small things in life. Because that’s what makes life worth living. I hope you take time to enjoy the present while working for a better future. I hope your year is full of memories, happiness, and adventure.
Special Toast Collection to Celebrate 40th Birthday
40 is big. It’s sort of an age boundary, Don’t puzzle over this task. Here are some 40th birthday toast ideas to help you out:
- Fear not as you age, it’s just a number. It can only be as significant as you wish it to be. Best 40th Birthday!
- Greetings to you. No matter how old you may be, you still look younger than your real age.
- Here’s to aging gracefully! I never believed that it’s possible until I met you. I’ve never known someone with such an effortless beauty as you in our age. Happy 40th Birthday!
- Don’t worry about getting older. Age is strictly a case of mind over matter. If you don’t mind, it doesn’t matter. Happy 40th birthday!
- The forties are pretty much like the thirties, except it takes longer to recover from a big party. And you start to get more sensible tattoos. Happy 40th birthday!
- Let’s raise a toast to your 40th. Here’s to prune juice!
Touching Toasts for Your Mom on Her 60th Birthday
Your Mom’s 60th birthday is a big deal. It’s emotional for her and the whole family. Choose your words wisely. We can help.
- Today, you have earned something no one can ever take away from you. The greys in your hair and the wrinkles on your face show how much you’ve worked for it. Wonderful 60th Bday Mom!
- I would like to raise a toast to the most amazing woman in the world I know of – my mother. You loved me at my best; you cheered me up at my worst. No one ever does it better than you. You loved me so much without expecting anything in return. And for that, I will always love you as much as I could. Happy 60th Bday Mom!
- I just want to disclose a secret mom; you are a superb mother with grasping all the qualities of patience, courage, spirituality, care, love, and rationality. My life owes you, whatever I am today is just because of your endless efforts and truthfulness. Cheers to my mom, Happy 60th Birthday!
- Let’s all raise our glasses for this lovely lady who is celebrating a major milestone of a birthday. May you always feel the love of your entire family and all your friends. Happy 60th Birthday!
- I just wanted to take the time today to wish my wonderful mother a happy birthday! My mom is an amazing woman. Her wisdom and unceasing patience have made me the person I am today. The root of everything she has taught me over the years epitomizes one simple thing – love. I love you, Mom. Happy 60th birthday!
- Mom, wishing you a “happy 60th birthday” doesn’t seem right. Happy 30th birthday for the second time is more like it. It’s not only because you still have the legs and face of an airline stewardess. It’s also because you’re a whirlwind of pure love, passion, enthusiasm, warmth and humor that’s, well, simply contagious. I see you in the laughter and kindness of our precious family and your many friends. And I see you in me — the best part of me.
Happy Birthday Cheers Images
You can pass on the traditional toast by using one of these images. Just share one or two with the guest of honor.

- DiSandro, D. (2008, December 31). How to Give a Toast. WikiHow; wikiHow. https://www.wikihow.com/Give-a-Toast#Getting-All-of-the-Details
- Edwards, V. (2019, September 4). How to Give an Awesome Toast: Advanced Strategies for… Science of People; Science of People. https://www.scienceofpeople.com/toasts/