58 Cute Paragraphs to Send to Your Crush
Love. It truly is a magical feeling when it’s shared. Slow down. It takes time and, yes, it usually begins with a crush. That can be scary because no one likes to feel rejected and crushes can work both ways. Or not. We’re here to help with lots of ideas on when and how to let your crush know your feelings are reaching a whole new intensity.
Finding the right words to say to your crush isn’t always easy. Where do you start? Even a simple “hi” can sometimes be awkward. How do you get the right message across once your feelings begin to escalate? Can you handle a bit of silence?
The fear of being rejected is a real stumbling block that makes you and your crush wary when the relationship starts to cross beyond the friendship zone.
(Do you know why being in love seems like a ride to a roller-coaster? Feeling warm yet afraid by just seeing your crush? Must be the work of the “love hormone“! Read more about it here.)
Try not to over-think every spoken word. That’s a sure path to frustration. Just focus on how you two enjoy spending time together.
Still, when is the right time to express those feeling? Not now? When? You don’t always have to wait. Be creative. The sincerity of your feelings will show through and sometimes that’s all it takes.
Waiting for signs that the time is right? Look for these (1):
- You make your crush happy. Does he or she seem happier when you’re together? Do you notice a glow or a smile?
- Talking to one another becomes easier and easier. You connect easily day or late at night. He or she tells you it’s easy to communicate.
- Is that crush of yours already in a relationship? Wait a while. It’s not yet the right time.
Those Three Little Words
Pick the perfect time and place to say “I Love You.” Think about it twice. Three times.
Those are precious words. Early stages of infatuation – of a crush – is the wrong time to say it. Saying it too early may result in a loss of sincerity. Of meaning.
“Even if you believe you are without doubt in love with a person, you might want to hold back for the meantime,” writes psychotherapist Tina B. Tessina, author of Love Styles: How to Celebrate Your Differences. (2)
Here are some of the signs it’s a bit premature to be saying the three magic words:
- You’ve only been dating for several months. Sociologist and a professor Pepper Schwarz at the University of Washington believes saying it before six months have passed can cast doubt on what’s ahead. The feelings between you may really still be infatuation, not yet love. (2)
- You haven’t had sex together yet.
- You really need know a great deal about your crush first. Spend lots of time together. “Profound love,” says Dr. Aaron Ben-Zeév, “needs time to develop. Saying ‘I love you’ after being together for just a relatively brief time doesn’t show you’re serious.” (3)
- You or your partner can’t or aren’t willing to commit to a future together.
Expecting to hear those three little words back and not hearing them right away can be disappointing, even heart-breaking. Be willing to wait until your crush is ready to reciprocate. When that happens, you will be glad you waited. We have a term for that. That’s mutualism! –where love is on a two-way street!
Get Creative
What to write to your crush? Find creative ways to express your feelings. The time and effort you put in creating something for your crush makes it truly special.
- DIY messages. This simple DIY bookmark message (see Reference 4) is a helpful source of inspiration for turning your message for an amazing person into something useful while being catchy and unforgettable.
- Create a poem or a song that is meant for him/her. Poetry can be a powerful tool to voice your innermost feelings. It often is written in the midst of powerful emotions, thus, incorporates deep emotions. (5)
Moving A Crush Into A Relationship
- Convey your feelings for him or her as the right timing develops. Perhaps your crush feels the same way about you and you don’t know it yet.
- Stay close physically to your crush whenever it’s appropriate. Be consistent.
- Maintain eye contact. Don’t turn your gaze away.
- Do something your crush really enjoys. But, don’t overdo it. Watch out for conveying a feeling of stalking or invading privacy.
We have lots of ideas for you below. Check them out.
‘I Love You’ Paragraphs For Your Crush
Love can seem like such simple word, but it‘s not at all. It reveals so many shades of feelings and emotions. Express it in a beautiful way when the time is right. Here are some sweet paragraphs to send to your crush. Get inspired!
- One of the easiest ways to realize you are in love is by scrolling through love quotes. I have read through a thousand lists of cute things to say and quotes, but none of them perfectly describes exactly how I feel for you.
- I love you so much that I would never hit the bed every night without reminiscing about you.
- I know I say “I love you” all the time, but that’s not enough. Those three words can’t describe the way I feel about you. You make my tummy do flips and my hands shake. I’ve never loved anyone as much as I love you and I don’t think I will ever love someone this much again. You’re everything I have ever wanted and needed. I love you so much, you’re my everything, my entire heart, and the world.
- If you ask me to express the depth of my feelings for you, I won’t be able to, because it’s not easier to explain to you how much I love you.
- My life has never been perfect, but it has come closest to perfection during the moments that I am with you. It never ceases to amaze me that two parts who are far from perfect can create the most amazing thing just by being together. You are my everything.
- Nobody has ever contributed such a great amount of bliss to my life as you have. With you and you only, I discover a true love I have never known. I find myself longing to spend every remaining moment on this earth with you. I can’t envision a single day where you are not by my side from here on out. I promise to love you to the end of time.
- If I were an artist, I would paint for you the most beautiful painting on earth. If I were a musician, I would write you a really awesome love song. But I’m just a hopeless romantic who’s madly in love. So all I can say is that I feel blessed to be around you and I love you endlessly.
- Life with you is an incredible journey that becomes more exciting with every single day. Your amazing personality and incredible beauty makes my soul burst with joy. My main life’s desire is to love you till my last breath.
- You are a very special person for me. Your warm presence melts my heart, your sweet voice fills my soul with all the best feelings any person can have, and your dazzling smile is shining armor that conquers me every day. You make my life magnificent. I love you.
Long Paragraphs About Love To Send To Your Crush
You don’t need a special occasion to let your crush know how much you care about him/her. Send a long paragraph, a confession essay for crush, or even a propose letter for crush to describe your love. A long sweet message for crush will be appreciated.
- No matter how many times we fight or argue, I always want to work it out. No one could ever take your place. You are amazing in every way and I don’t know what I would do or where I would be if I never met you. You understand me like no one else can and I can truly relate to you in every way. I mean it when I say that I am yours, and you are mine. I love you and will always fight for you. I want to spend the rest of my life with my amazing boyfriend.
- You are the best thing that has ever happened to me. You’re my lover and my best friend and each day that goes by seems like I find something new to love about you. It’s amazing how one wonderful person can make such a huge difference in my life. You’ve given me so many reasons to smile. I’m a very lucky person to have you in my life. I’ve never been so happy with anyone or so in Love. I LOVE YOU. I promise to be there for you when you need me. I would do anything for you.
- Never in my life have I felt more dedicated to anything. I pledge my life and my love to you and I promise to keep investing my time and energy into the wonderful relationship that we have together. Every day I learn something new about you and I am always reminded of how amazing you are. Together, we can have the greatest adventure of all time.
- What we have together is unique. It is a special bond that is strong and unbreakable. We can make it through anything we encounter and we only grow stronger from the trials we face together. Together, we are strong. Being with you has made me a better person and I can’t believe or you.
- When we first held hands, our souls became one. Seeing you is feeling everything is fine. My love, I share all my feelings with you.
I know there are better girls than me, but I am sure you are the best boyfriend of all. I love you.
Yours - Hey, beautiful:) I just wanted to tell you that I’ve been thinking about you all day and how much you mean to me. You are the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. you’re cute funny smart nice, any guy would be lucky to have you. When I see you my heart skips a beat. I really like you, and I hope you will give me a chance and I promise to be there for you when you need me. I would do anything for you.
- Every time I try, the words just never come out right. You are not only my crush but my best friend. I can tell you everything but why I can’t I telthat I found you. Ever since I met you, I never want to let you go. The attraction you and I share is one that is so intense and I never want to be separated from you.
- I am a very lucky person because I have such an amazing guardian angel. You constantly remind me of how amazing this life can be. Your sheer presence makes me so happy. There are hundreds of beautiful words about love, but none of them can accurately describe those romantic feelings I have in my heart. I adore you. Sleep tight darling.
- Thanks to you, I realized that all those childhood stories could come true. You have transformed my imperfect life and become the most significant support. I love you beyond words. Good night, the most amazing person in the world.
- Being in love is like falling into a blissful sleep. It happens slowly, then very suddenly you find yourself asleep. You then find yourself never wanting to wake up again. Falling for you was just like that. I still don’t want to wake up and I hope I never have to. I hope with all my heart this is a reality. I hope you are not a dream, but that you are the girl of my dreams in real life. I hope you do not fade away, but that you stay with me forever.
Funny Things To Text Her; Make Her Smile
Be confident. Make her smile? Here are some funny and, yes, flirty, and cute paragraphs for your crush to make her smile.
- Hey girl, tell me when you are free, I just wanted to renovate my home with your beautiful smile.
- You are like my Princess Peach. If a giant turtle kidnapped you, I’m pretty sure I’d stomp on his head to get you back.
- I was just wondering if you would like to hold this hand of mine while I go out for a walk? Actually, my hand really wants the company of yours.
- If I were a chemist, I would be full of lithium, oxygen, vanadium, and europium. I’d also be dead, but at least I’d be in LOVE.
- Come on lady, give me my heart back. How do you think I am going to live without it?
- When I’m with you, every day feels like my birthday. So, what I’m trying to say is, where are all my presents?
- Let me become your very own superhero. I will be your support, your hope, your lover, and your partner in crime. Even a million people around us won’t change this. I am yours forever.
- Your flaws play nice with mine. I think that we could be more than just good friends. We could make a great couple. What do you think?
Knock Knock! This is a sweet good night message for the most precious person in the world. You are a treasure that I will love and cherish all my life.
Wake Her Up With These Paragraphs
Jump-start her morning with one of our cute good morning paragraphs to wake your special person and get her attention. Let the good morning paragraph for crush be a sweet, thoughtful beginning of her day.
- Even when you’re not around you know how to make me smile. Just now, I smiled! I could feel you opening up this message, tell you were thinking of me. The entire world got a little brighter, a bit warmer, and filled with even more love. Hope this message is making you smile the same way.
- Except that day did not break then I won’t remember you—except that night did not come then your thoughts will not overshadow my heart. You are the light of passion I sense in my mind, I mean that pillar of joy that always live my face with a beautiful smile. I love you!
- A smile can make a day complete. A hug can make a day better. So I’m sending my smiles and hugs your way. For you to have a complete and better day! Good morning!
- Knock!!! Knock!!!
May I come into your world? I bring no flowers, no cakes, but wishes to keep you fresh, prayers to keep you healthy, and love to keep you smiling … Good Morning. - This morning when I got up to make my coffee, I had to put in 5 scoops of sugar because I was missing your sweetness. And let me tell you, even that wasn’t enough. So, hurry up and come to me so I can taste the only sweetness I crave anymore, your lips
- I thought there was no true love until that blessed day when you set your foot in my world; I began to realize how much it means to be in love with a true heart. I acknowledge your sacrifices just to make me happy—indeed you are wife material! I love you!
- Being able to see your wonderful eyes and a dazzling smile every morning is the best feeling. You are unbelievably charming, and I have never been profoundly attached to anyone in my life. Maybe all these sounds too pompously, but I can’t help it. I am head over heels in love with you. Good morning sweetheart.
- I am not good at writing romantic paragraphs. All I want to say is that I am deeply inspired by everything you do, and I want to spend all my waking moments with you.
Paragraphs That Say ‘Good Morning’ To Your Crush
Surprise her in the morning just as she wakes up. Here are some amazing good morning paragraphs to send to your crush:
- Many beautiful things are waiting to welcome you to this new day. Wake up my beauty, wake up! Let this morning see your wonderful smile and energetic activities! Have a blessed morning.
- I love you my dear angel the most beautiful girl that I have ever set my eyes upon. You are a powerful queen of beauty and that’s why my heart will always melt for your presence. You are so amazing my love—thank you for everything you have done in my life, I love you!
- I never was a morning person before I met you. I still have trouble waking up, but as soon as I remember that you’re out there waiting for me, it’s easy to get out of bed. Unless, of course, you’re there beside me. Then it’s harder than ever before to climb out.
- You have a cute yawn on your face, a cup of coffee in your hands. All that remains is a good morning message from me. Have a great morning!
- I wish I can express the depth of my love for you in words but unfortunately, no single adjective can describe it. My heart, I have dedicated to you so that passion will flow in your heart like an electron—none stop movement. Just want to say I love you! Good morning baby.
- Good morning love. I want you to know that you can always get ahold of me. Just call me and I’ll come running. I’ll do whatever I can to help you succeed. I know that you have everything you need within you, I know that you deserve all the success in the world. So, get up and face the day!
- There are so many love stories in the world, but ours is my favorite. Good morning sweetheart.
- I love you because you inspire me every day, I love you because you treat others with kindness and respect, I love you because we are such good friends, I love you because you fill my heart with a wonderful feeling – admiration.
Short Letters To Send To Your Crush
Forget we are in the age of electronics. Take a step back and actually handwrite a letter. Check out our set of short sweet letters to your crush and start writing.
- Dear crush,
You know but not that well. I hope you will ask me out soon but you need to know who I am I will tell you one thing I am a Marnier. You are the nicest boy in the grade and you are really cute. I hope that this letter will brighten your day. I love you!
Someone who loves you - I can only use so many words in the dictionary to show you how much I love you. I love you so much that you are always on my mind, putting a smile on my face and making my heart skip a beat. There are so many ways for me to express my love and I plan on showing you just how much love I have for you for the rest of my life. I hope that my actions let you know the extent of my affection, adoration, and commitment to you.
- Hi Love,
Knowing you are with me makes my life a dream come true. Remembering our first kiss is remembering since when my heart beats fl you how I feel? I wish I could hold your hand. I wish when you hug me that you will never let go. I wish you told me how you feel… I wish I knew how to be brave and tell you. I know you see it, everyone can. But why can’t everything work as planned?
A.F. - My dear,
your love has changed my worldview. Thanks to you, I became more sensitive, kinder, and more attentive to myself and the people around me. You breathed life into me and taught me to enjoy every moment.
You are the last person I would want to hurt. I hope our idyll lasts a lifetime. If there is even a tad bit of change in it, my days will become gray and dreary.
I love you infinitely.
Sweet Love Paragraphs For Your Crush
Your crush will be thrilled to receive some cute love paragraphs for crush showing how much you care.
- Every other guy will have to be a loser because I am so much satisfied with your company. I have never experienced a relationship as sweet and beautiful as the one I am in with you. You belong to me forever and I will always cherish you, my dear angel. I love you!
- Every smile that leaves your lips is like the world’s most brilliant sunrise. It sets the clouds aflame and brightens the entire day. For me, you are the sun, moon, and stars. Each breath that I take is because of you and in anticipation of seeing you again.
- There’s just something about your presence that makes me feel so at ease. I don’t know what it is exactly. But just talking to you and being around you is enough to make any bad day better. Your radiant smile and your infectious laugh make me feel so lighthearted that I can’t help but feel uplifted. I can only hope to do the same for you one day.
- Each morning when I wake up, I begin counting down the minutes until nighttime. I spend my entire day waiting patiently for the moment when I can wrap my arms around you again. From a comfortable position at your side, the entire world looks better. All I want is to be held and to hold you again.
- I used to believe that there is nothing called true love until I met you and my thinking changed; in the deepest part of my heart, I felt it that there can never be a person like you again. I acknowledge your great attitude and your standard character. I love you, my dear love.
- Has anyone told you lately about how wonderful you are? Has anyone noticed just how great it is to be around you? Has anyone mentioned how you make it so much easier to smile and laugh all the time? Has anyone informed you about that beautiful face that complements your beautiful mind? No one yet? Well then let me be the first.
- I’ve been struggling with an uneasy feeling for a long time now, and I think it’s time I opened my heart to you. I fell in love with you at first sight, and my soul is forever devoted to you.
Make Him Smile With Sweet Thoughts Like These
Are you far away from him? Saying sweet things like these sweet paragraphs to send to your crush will bring you closer together.
- I am so totally, completely, overwhelmingly, eye-poppingly, life-changingly, spectacularly, passionately, deliciously in love with you.
- If I only had one wish left, I want it to be YOU for the rest of my life. I cannot imagine my life without you. You are like sugar in my coffee, icing on my cake, and an apple to my pie. We are always the best combination.
- There is no better music than your voice, no better book than your text messages and no better taste than your sweet kisses
- Imagining a life without you is something that is impossible, you make me complete and I want you to know you mean everything to me.
- It does not matter how many times I see you, talk to you or hear your voice. Every time you enter my field of vision, butterflies start to do cartwheels in my stomach.
- You are the sweetest guy I’ve ever known in my whole life. Even if you are tired from work, you always make time for me. I appreciate all the things that you have done for me. I promise to love you and to give you my best always.
- I miss being around you. I haven’t seen you in days, but it already feels like months, like years, like decades.
- I fall asleep with thoughts of you and wake up with your image in my heart. You are the most amazing man in the world! I love you.
Write Goodnight Paragraphs To Your Crush
Are you looking for good night paragraphs to send to your crush? Here are some ideas for sending a “goodnight” message with the perfect touch.
- Each night, I fall asleep with a smile on my face. Just the thought of seeing you again tomorrow makes me happy. Good night, gorgeous.
- The twinkling of the stars is a temporary beauty that disappears each morning as the sunrise. In this world, the only thing permanent is my heart which beats permanently for you.
- The thought of you was the only thought I had all through the day. I guess I’ve done well. And although it’s past bedtime, I just couldn’t close my eyes without saying “goodnight” to the one I love.
- I’m going to keep loving you. That’s one promise I’ve made to myself. And my greatest wish is that you someday get to love me just as much. Have a good night lovely.
Never in my life have I felt so alone. Without your warmth brightening each second of my life, I feel so lonely in the dark. Every second that we apart find me thinking of you dearly. Good night. - While looking at this blissful night with romantic moonlight and a cool breeze with glitters of stars up in the sky. I can only wish that you would have been with me. Good Night. I love you so much, babe.
- I hope you enjoy a good night’s sleep, and that tomorrow is full of opportunities. Sweet dreams darling.
- Here’s just one message for you. As you close your eyes tonight, know that you’re loved more than you could ever imagine. Sweet dreams.
How Much Do You Love Him/Her? Say It Like This
If you are wondering if there is a message to my crush about my feelings, then the answer is very simple – yes. Here are some cute things to say to your crush in a text message paragraph.
- I miss being around you. I haven’t seen you in days, but it already feels like months, like years, like decades. Being with you makes time fly, but being away from you seems to slow the world down. It’s like every moment you’re away is a countdown to when I’ll get to see you again. I wish you were here, but you’re not. You’re way over there. And “there” has no idea how lucky it is to have you.
- It’s amazing the love and care you give me on a daily basis it’s unequaled I think I am safer with you, that’s why I am giving all myself to you, because my life is perfect with you, you are a bumper package, and I promise to love you and give you all you need, may God bless you continually for me, because you really deserve much more than I can give you. I love you so much.
- There is no day that breaks that I do not love you more than I used to do. No matter the situation at hand, it is all the same to me. I can never be comfortable without you, so why should I stop loving you? You are the most handsome man I have ever met in life.
- Before I met you, I never truly believed in love at first sight. I thought that Hollywood and little girls created this idea of instantaneous love as a beautiful, made-up story. From the second my eyes connected with yours, I realized that love, at first sight, was more than a trope from B movies. That moment changed my life and everything that I hoped for.
- When I heard my first love story, I immediately started looking for the other half that would complete my own love story. I had no idea how blind that was. It was only later that I realized that you can’t just magically find that one person who completes the story. What you find is a person, and what happens next is you build a relationship that culminates in a romance. So I guess I’ve just accomplished the first part, and I can’t wait to complete the second part.
- There is no feeling I love most than the one that comes when we are together watching the moon and the stars together I know I am in love with you. I am so much interested in you better than any way you can think about it. You are my river of love and passion and I will always love to swim in you. I love you, my superstar.
Cute Paragraphs For Your Crush With Emojis
Texting is a wonderful way to flirt. A cute copy and paste paragraph for crush with emojis is a nice alternative to love poems. Your crush will enjoy the back and forth. These emojis with their meanings can be a useful guide if you decide to add emojis to cute notes to give to your crush.
Emoji | Name | Meaning |
Smiling Face with Hearts/In Love Face | Expresses a range of happy feelings, especially being in love; conveys feeling good or special while not being too forward or intimate | |
Smiling Face with Heart-Eyes | Conveys enthusiastic feelings of love, infatuation, and adoration, e.g., I love/am in love with this person or thing | |
Face Blowing a Kiss | Used to send a goodbye or good night kiss; conveys general feelings of love and affection | |
Kissing Face with Closed Eyes | Conveys sentiments of romantic love and affection | |
Kiss Mark | Used to send a kiss | |
Love Letter | A love note or a love message | |
❤ | Red Heart | Expression of love |
Smiling Cat with Heart-Eyes | Represents extreme love of something said or seen; conveys the feeling of attraction | |
Heart with Ribbon | Conveys an act of offering your heart or love | |
Winking Face | Conveys “a joke, flirtation, hidden meaning, or general positivity” |
- Shivani Dixit. (2018, February 15). What Are The Signs That You Should Propose To Your Crush. Lifealth. https://www.lifealth.com/love-and-relationship/relationship-tips/what-are-the-signs-that-you-should-propose-to-your-crush-sd/62786/
- Donaldson-Evans, C. (2017, June 29). 5 Signs It’s Too Soon to Say “I Love You.” Sheknows LLC. https://www.facebook.com/lachlanb2. (2019, August 5). When to say I love you? 15 things you need to know first. Hack Spirit. https://hackspirit.com/when-to-say-i-love-you-15-things-you-need-to-know-first/
- When to say I love you? 15 things you need to know first. (2019, August 5). Hack Spirit. https://hackspirit.com/when-to-say-i-love-you-15-things-you-need-to-know-first/
- Corin Balkovek. (2018, November 23). 25 Unique (But Still Easy!) DIY Gifts For Book Lovers | Book Riot. BOOK RIOT. https://bookriot.com/2018/11/23/diy-gifts-for-book-lovers/
- The Secret to Writing Transformative Poetry. (2016). Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/the-empowerment-diary/201604/the-secret-writing-transformative-poetry
- 4 Ways You Can Turn a Crush Into a Relationship. (2016). Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/dating-and-mating/201605/4-ways-you-can-turn-crush-relationship
Cute Paragraphs for your Crush Images