Texting has made communication easy. Any time. Day or night. But a special text is so nice to receive in the morning. Face-to-face interaction is still irreplaceable, but texting proves to be very useful for those times when you can’t be together.
The hard part is capturing the right tone. It’s not easy in just a few words. Make sure she gets your intent by making your message longer.
Greeting your special someone in the morning is one of the sweetest things you can do. It means you’re thinking of her. (1) You care so much about her that you want to secure a smile on her face first thing to start her day. It is also a way to show you appreciate her. How she makes you look forward to each day with her.
Some people love receiving good morning texts, but there others not as enthusiastic. Some might regard these texts as something lazy or childish. (1, 2) It also may appear creepy – particularly if you just met a person the night before.
Slow down and get to know her first. She may or may not be a “morning person.” You may want to try something direct and to the point. Say “I’ve been thinking of you” instead of “good morning.” You also can make your good morning greetings and texts more interesting with these tips:
⦁ Send a message with a picture. It can be your photo, smiling; a funny meme; a joke or a photo with an inspirational quote.
⦁ Use emojis. Emojis can help create a mood and impart a message that everything is fine. (3)
⦁ Personalize. Send a good morning poem. Poetry implies effort and creativity. Consider writing one just for her if she is into poetry.
⦁ Spice up your message with sexting. But be sure you get your partner’s consent before sending her a sext.
Breathtaking Good Morning Paragraphs for Your Girlfriend
Ladies like attention. Hey, that’s a fact. She will feel good about how you have thought about her when she wakes up. Here are some quotes to send to your girlfriend.
- Time to wake up. As you get up, you should look out at the sky. Think of me as you think of the sun, you might not always be there for you to see but I’m always out there. If you’re patient, I’ll always come back around and shine down with love on you.
- The weather is perfect this morning. The sun is shining, the air is warm, and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. But to be honest, the beauty of this morning pales in comparison to time with you. I’d rather spend a morning with you in the freezing rain than a day in paradise without you. You’re all the warmth I need.
- Good morning my love! I know I have woken you up, but it is only to tell you how much I love you. Have a fabulous day, let’s get together in the afternoon and I will give you many kisses and a tender embrace with all my strength.
- Having someone as beautiful and special as you make me the luckiest man on earth. Good morning my damsel.
- Having found a wonderful lady like you in my life; I became more comfortable, happy and calm. I trust you though you may not know how much you mean to me. In the beginning, I thought you won’t give me the joy I have been searching for until now I realize how lucky I love you!
- Thanks for making me feel better and stronger than ever before. Thanks for loving me just the way I am. Thanks for not leaving me to my ruins. Thanks for being there for me. Thanks for being real. Thanks for your support and encouragement. Thanks for standing by me. And thanks for always being a darling. I love you beyond the stars. Good morning my angel.
Cute GM Paragraphs to Write to Your Girlfriend
Love changes us. You feel grateful and try to do your best to respond to love. Write your girlfriend a good morning paragraph. Need some inspiration? Have a look at these:
- I hope this is the first message you read this morning. Tell me if it isn’t, I’ll be sure to send you an earlier message tomorrow. Because it’s only fair, you were the first thing on my mind when I woke up this morning so I hope I can be the first thing on yours. As long as you’re thinking of me it doesn’t matter how far we’re apart, our love transcends distance.
- A day that is void of your voice is to me an incomplete one. For with your voice comes the soul melting laughter which is all I need to have a great and happy day. I hope mine makes you feel the same way. Good morning, my cherie.
- We have come a long way. Nothing in heaven and on earth can make me let you off my heart. The day you came to my heart, I locked it up and threw the key away. Together we’ll walk the path, sing the song and dance the beat… Just you and I. Good morning love.
- Each and every morning I wake up, you’re always the first thing on my mind. Good morning my love.
- The morning was a bit cold, but a warm feeling envelops all my heart because I have your love and I do not need anything else in life. Have a wonderful day my dear girlfriend.
- Morning babe! The last time we were together was incredible, but I know that the next time we meet will be even better. So, hurry up and get moving, I can’t wait to see you again!
Long Good Morning Messages for Her to Copy and Paste
Looking for some special words to express those deep feelings? Here are some long good morning messages for her you can use.
- Our love is beyond all description. The universe in all of its glory isn’t enough to allow for a true comparison. Eternity isn’t long enough for us to spend together. All of the diamonds in the universe wouldn’t sparkle with the light I see in your eyes. All the stars in existence don’t burn with the heat of our romance. I could say I’d run to the edge of the universe to reach you and I’d still be willing to journey on in search of you.
- I couldn’t help but reminisce on my past this morning and here’s what I came about… You never have been in my shoes but know where the shoe pinches. You never originated any of my problems, but you’ve been the solution to myriads of them. By chance, I grope in darkness all alone, and by choice, you’re the light that led me out. I thought I’d be forever in my tunnels of tumult and dejection but the touch of your love was the light at the end of it…Your love stood strong and became a pillar for my fragile heart. Your care grew boundless and became a shelter for my wandering mind. From far behind in my sorely state your love took me to the forefront of ecstasy. To say it as it is, you’ve been the best reason I prove to be joyous. I love you and I love you so much. Thanks for it all. Good morning my love.
- Morning. It’s the time when the darkness goes away, banished by the glorious light of the sun as it rises in the East. That’s what you are to me. I didn’t fully realize it at the time, but my life was darkness before I met you. There may have been women in my life before but they were mere stars, their light pale and dim compared to your brilliance. I was like a baby raised in the long winters of the polar regions, unable to even understand true light until the glorious day when my sun, you, rose up and illuminated everything. The only difference is that I won’t let your light set on me, even if I have to run with all my heart and soul to keep up with you.
- You came into my world and you invited me into yours with the way you cherish and love me. You see good in me where others only see bad; you see the best in me while others could only see the worst. I’m grateful that you didn’t give up on me and leave me to my ruins. And I wish you have a great and awesome day ahead of you, my baby. Good morning to you, sweetheart.
- Everything I see this morning reminds me of you. The sun reminds me of your warmth. The breeze reminds me of your breath against my skin. The flowers remind me of the incredible way you smell. The birds singing reminds me of the beauty of your voice. The love in my heart reminds me that I never really understood the feeling before you entered my life.
Sweet Love Paragraphs to Send Her in the Morning
Here’s how to surprise your lady in the morning. Capture her heart and mind. A love paragraph for bae is the ideal option to make sure she starts her day right. A love paragraph will let her know how precious she is to you. Here are some ideas:
- I just woke up and I would love to run to you, right now, and give you a sweet kiss and wish you a good morning, but first, we must fulfill our responsibilities. My dearest girlfriend, I wish you have a spectacular day and that you do great today.
- Not a song can perfectly express the workings of your love in my heart. Not even a book can contain all that is on my mind for you. Words will fail me if I’m to tell it all. Only your heart can comprehend it. For my heart is in yours. Good morning my heart.
- I love you like I always do. Do have a wonderful day ahead of you. Good morning my queen.
- You are my happiness the only treasure I adore with a complete passion. Since the day you came into my world; my life has never remained the same. You brought an endless smile to my face, amazing joy to my heart, baby I love you!
- The sun is rising in the sky, but to me, the day doesn’t start until you’ve risen out of bed. You’re the only source of light and warmth I need, lighting up my life with your smile and warming me with your mere presence. Now that you’ve gotten up and read this my day has truly started, thank you!
- You are the moon that brightens my lovely night; You are the only one I dream of each and every night; You are always the first thing on my mind when I wake up every morning; You are the sun that lights up my beautiful morning. Whether my eyes are closed or opened, it is you that I always see. Good morning, and do have a great day ahead of you, my dear.
Romantic Long Paragraphs for Her to Wake up to
Are you romantic? She will certainly appreciate this quality in you. We offer some romantic love paragraphs you can use:
- When I met you, I met the most beautiful lady on the surface of the earth; can’t you observe the power of your smile? It can melt the hardest heart on earth—then again see how tall and beautiful you are; why won’t I die to see you every moment of my life? I love you!
- Often times I wish I could find the right word to describe how much you mean to me; how much I cherish and love you; how much I respect and honor you. No words would be enough to describe the feeling within me the moment you came into my life. It must have been grace that brought you to me and I’m blessed to have someone as beautiful as you are. Good morning beautiful.
- I love you my dear angel the most beautiful girl that I have ever set my eyes upon. You are a powerful queen of beauty and that’s why my heart will always melt for your presence. You are so amazing my love—thank you for everything you have done in my life, I love you!
- I vow to always stay by your side through the ups and downs of life. Good morning my princess, and do have a wonderful day ahead of you.
- Words will fail me right now if I start to describe how much you mean to me; words will insult me if I start to describe how much your love means to me and words wouldn’t be enough to express my profound gratitude for all you’ve done to me. All I can say is “
- You have to hurry over and see me! I’m not sure if I’m awake, I might still be dreaming. You have to pinch me so I can know for sure. But then again, getting pinched by you is something I dream about a lot. Oh well, as long as you’re with me I don’t care if it’s a dream or not.
Paragraphs for Your Girl Best Friend to Wake up to
You have a wonderful opportunity to bring happiness, joy and inspiration to your friend’s life by sending a fun greeting in the morning. Your girlfriend will be glad to start the awesome day with a text message about friendship. Your unexpected paragraph will be like sunshine coming through the window. Try one of these:
- Each and every day is like a new page to right yesterday’s wrong. May you make the best use of it today and always. Good morning my lovely friend.
- Romantic relationships are based on expectations and responsibilities. Professional relationships are based on gains and losses. But friendship is based on smiles and laughter. Good morning my friend.
- Your friendship adds a spark to my life and lightens up my day like the moon does at night. Good morning my sweet friend.
- Dreamers like you don’t need inspirational good morning messages. They need big alarm bells and annoying friends like me.
- May our friendship be an example that true friendship is possible for those desiring to have one. Good morning my best friend.
- You can choose between waking up late and doing nothing or spending the day with friends and creating beautiful memories which will last a lifetime. What will it be, my friend?
Cute ‘I Know You Sleep but’ Paragraphs
“I know you are asleep but…” can be surprising and certainly romantic. Waking up and reading a text from a lover that was sent during the night is something your girlfriend will love. Here are some ideas:
- A sleeping beauty you are at the moment, as nature and heaven have stopped the noise to allow your sleep go smoothly. Sleep well, my dear.
- I wanted my text to be the first thing you’ll read when you wake up and I really hope that it is. Hope your night went awesomely?
- You’re asleep and the angels are around you admiring your beauty, wondering what God was thinking when He made you. Always remember how beautiful you are.
- My plan is that you wake up to know that I love you and will do a lot to keep you after you read this text. I love you. Sleep on.
- Sleeping beauties are rare to find, but I have found you and will not trade you for anything. Sleep on, dear.
- You make me smile, love. You mean so much to me that I can’t even describe how much it is. Sleep beautifully, my dear.
- Jain, M. (2017, October 16). Why is it important to send a good morning text to the person you love. Lifealth. https://www.lifealth.com/love-and-relationship/relationship-tips/why-is-it-important-to-send-a-good-morning-text-to-the-person-you-love-mj/43545/
- Witte, R. (2018, October 3). The “Good Morning” Text Is Lazy And If You Send It, So Are You. Men’s Health; Men’s Health. https://www.menshealth.com/sex-women/a23573080/good-morning-texts/
- Joceline Barron. (2019). How texting can affect relationships. The Sundial. https://sundial.csun.edu/108831/arts-entertainment/how-texting-can-affect-relationships/
Good Morning Images & Quotes