Depression along with anxiety and other mental health issues are still considered to be the topics people don’t want to bring up or are afraid to do so. Yet, the statistics show that around 15 percent of all adults in the world face depression at some point in their life. As you see, depression isn’t something rare and uncommon.
Moreover, it often comes when you least expect it. The awareness about such issues as depression should be increased in order to avoid further deterioration of the situation.
Poetry is one of the best ways of expressing feelings, that’s why we just couldn’t pass by the best poems about depression to show you the way of coping with this terrible state.
Short Poems About Depression And Anxiety
Different kinds of art, poetry, in particular, have always been a sanctuary for people struggling with depression. It can be explained with the ease a person can share their experiences with others through a poem.
If you feel like no one understands you right now, the poems about depression and anxiety will show that you aren’t alone with your troubles. Understanding and accepting the issue is the first step in treatment.
- I’ve been pushed down so many times
I feel this time will be the last
as I lay here fading
my thoughts are invaded by memories of my past
I feel the pressures of shame and rejection building
as I lay here on the floor
I have no strength to get up
I’m not worth it anymore - nobody can save you but
you will be put again and again
into nearly impossible
they will attempt again and again
through subterfuge, guise and
to make you submit, quit and /or die quietly
inside… - From life’s lessons
there is one thing I know
looked upon with loving light
even from a teardrop
a rainbow can grow - Often I go to bed as soon after dinner
as seems adult
(I mean I try to wait for dark)
in order to push away
from the massive pain in sleep’s
frail wicker coracle. - I am a warrior.
Stronger than her demons.
Braver than the darkness.
Depression Poems That Can Make You Cry
Don’t confuse feeling depressed with feeling down. The latter can be one of the symptoms of the first one, but often people mistake bad mood for depression and so those who are really feeling depressed sometimes aren’t taken seriously. Read through the following depression poems and you’ll see the difference.
- Depression is oppression.
It’s a deadly hidden message
Defined by self-hate.
It seals its prisoner’s fate.
It holds you captive and throws out the key.
It stabs and jabs just to see you bleed,
Inflicting wounds that scar for life.
Destruction is its mother and death its wife. - When the emptiness hits.
There is nowhere to run or hide.
It consumes me.
It breaks me and
leaves me broken. - I’m choking
From the pity in their eye
I’m choking
From the sad undertone
I’m choking
From the overwhelming thoughts
I’m choking
Because on the inside I’m drowning in my tears - Void, canceled, simply annulled.
Endlessly aching, unconsoled.
Life without you, cause without reason.
Touch without sense, time without season.
I face life now facing a cancerous sore,
A sordid parasite that eats at my core.
All that makes me whole, all I hold deep within,
Leaving me lifeless, or at least not livin’. - rain pattering, fogging on the window,
musing on a gray day.
my soul swimming in mud, dropped
left to harden
when the sun shines.rocks have the souls
abandoned by tired
seekers and wanderers without
a place to hold to
Sad Depressing Poems To Help You Reveal Your Feelings
No matter how painful it is to open up about your problems, keeping it all inside is not an option. It only brings worse damages. If you are depressed, don’t lock your feelings inside you, but let them out. Let the words and rhymes speak for you, let the depressing poems describe what you feel.
- Crawling out of the darkness..
A trip beyond the void
a place I find myself wanting to avoid, actually its inescapable as its within
and it’s wonderful as it is weird
but this place..
I can see..
shouldn’t be feared.
It’s quite bizarre,
the infinite abyss really isn’t that far
as the stars seem..
Maybe it’s all one dream
So don’t scream
if things seem
scary. - The one was a bit more haunted; than the other.
The other waited to be called.
The one stomped headlong! - it’s okay, Paper Heart,
after enough holes are poked
after enough rips are torn
the light can finally get through - ‘Just get over it, ‘ they say
I wish I could find a way
Living with it day by day
Memories won’t go awayMedication helps to sway
Many feelings of dismay
But they do fail to decay
The loss that one does surveyLet the Lord of All
Show me The Way - yesterday
when I woke up
the sun fell to the ground and rolled away
flowers beheaded themselves
all that’s left alive here is me
and I barely feel like living
depression is a shadow living inside me
Most Famous Pieces Of Poetry About Depression
Writing or reading poems usually distracts from things that disturb us, so it makes sense why so many people find solace, comfort and peace in poetry. Here you’ll find great poems on depression by famous poets and those whose name don’t know yet.
- The rain drums down like red ants,
each bouncing off my window.
The ants are in great pain
and they cry out as they hit
as if their little legs were only
stitched on and their heads pasted.
And oh they bring to mind the grave,
so humble, so willing to be beat upon
with its awful lettering and
the body lying underneath
without an umbrella.
Depression is boring, I think
and I would do better to make
some soup and light up the cave. - What an appalling desire,
your heart beats so fast.
An unsettling ritual,
which refuses to pass.
A nagging numb need,
you must feel something;
go make yourself bleed.
Get it out, act now.
You wait for the great release.
One slice turns into more,
and you need it to hurt.
No one must notice,
hence the morbid allure.
You can’t stop the impulse,
once the fuse is lit.
You tremble with sickly delight,
after every slit.
You’re almost done,
carving your skin.
The pain seems gone,
but it won’t be for long;
still for one moment,
you heard that sweet song. - One step away from the realm so full of gray,
where my spirit did decay, so hear it as I say,
I fear my near dismay, before it’s dawning day.Close my eyes in defeat at the coming retreat,
still not surprised by the heat, which thrives at my feet,
the dark flames of deceit do burn me complete.I am back again as I was back then,
before the war within, took me from that when,
a hopeful hand, still searching for its pen.Yet tomorrow, I am gray again. - Oh me! Oh life! of the questions of these recurring,
Of the endless trains of the faithless, of cities fill’d with the foolish,
Of myself forever reproaching myself, (for who more foolish than I, and who more faithless?)
Of eyes that vainly crave the light, of the objects mean, of the struggle ever renew’d,
Of the poor results of all, of the plodding and sordid crowds I see around me,
Of the empty and useless years of the rest, with the rest me intertwined,
The question, O me! so sad, recurring—What good amid these, O me, O life? - Turn the volume down
Turn the lights off
Stop singing, I’m tired
Stop talking for a bit, won’t you?
Let me think
I need to rest my mind
for a little while
maybe longer.
Deep Poems About Being Depressed
For those people who have never seen a terrifying face of depression would be hard to understand the feeling of being alone and depressed. If you have no idea what it’s like to be in depression, to feel hopelessness, perhaps, these deep poems about being depressed will show what people, who try overcoming depression on a daily basis, feel.
- It is the darkest, deepest place one can travel to alone,
A solo journey filled with struggles and groans.
Every day is a new battle against the same foe,
But the enemy fights back with psychological blows.
It creeps up on you in your most vulnerable state,
Especially when there’s no one around who can relate.
Thoughts in your mind begin to swirl and swell,
Which drag you into your own subconscious hell.
Figments and entities from your past
Serve as the pain, which you can’t outlast.
Finally sleep always comes as a welcomed friend,
But it the morning the ceaseless battle begins yet again. - I think I hit the point in life where,
I’m just done.
I cried,
I fought,
I tried,
But everything’s crashing down.
My demons are screaming louder,
Trying to eat aways the rest of me.
And this time,
I’m not going to fight back… - I’m swimming all alone in a pool of darkness
and I feel like darkness is slowly pulling me under
I yell for help but no one is there to hear it
I begin to see the water at eye level… - Depression is my life without you,
Depression is the darkness taking over the light,
Depression is the thoughts of suicide
Depression is isolation from the outside world
Depression is where no one loves me
Depression is where i have no friends
Depression is where everyone looks at me and rolls their eyes
Depression is… - The sun is setting, the night has come
The sadness, pain and suffering,
My demons once again arise
To torment me at night.
Examples Of Poetic Expression Of Depression
The poetic expression of feelings isn’t new. Whether it’s hope, love, hate, loneliness, through poems you can express anything you feel. Depression is no exception. Though these pieces of poetry about depression may seem too dark, they perfectly reflect what the depressed people have to fight with every day.
- As I cry in the dark and my tears find the pillow
you’ll never know, these tears filled with such sorrow
are those longing for love, again comes tomorrow
I wish for today, your heart I could borrow - No space around me
Stifling walls
Closing off my view
Numbing thoughts
Aching soul
Suffocating dreamsMemory stirs
Pain wells up
Trapping me again
Nowhere to go
But inside myself
Devoid of any aim - When you damage me
It digs down deep.
Like Russian Roulette
drags me down to my sleep.
It gambles with my brain
And tussles with my sensibility.
The only recourse now
Is to play with Death.
Nobody will miss me. - Hold me through the night
Still the pain and keep me safe
I can’t face being aloneFold your arms so tight around me
make the dark go away
Please stay, hold me through the night - Get these voices out of my mind,
I’m drowning but no one can see.
They’re pulling me down, deeper and deeper,
Please someone set me free.The darkness it consumes me,
And all I feel is pain.
I need to get these demons out,
So only light remains.
Long Depression Poems About Life
There doesn’t necessarily have to be a tipping point which leads to depression. Of course, unrequited love or losing a job usually make things worse, but the point is, depression often appears out of nowhere. Life is life, you never know what can happen. Here we’ve collected beautiful long poems to help depression, to help you understand its roots and ways of dealing with it.
- Harsh words & violent blows
Hidden secrets nobody knows
Eyes are open, hands are fisted
Deep inside I’m warped & twisted
So many tricks & so many lies
Too many whens & too many whys
Nobody’s special, nobody’s gifted
I’m just me, warped & twisted
Sleeping awake & choking on a dream
Listening loudly to a silent scream
Call my mind, the number’s unlisted
Lost in someone so warped & twisted
On my knees, alive but dead
Look at the invisible blood I’ve bled
I’m not gone, my mind has drifted
Don’t expect much, I’m warped & twisted
Burnt out, wasted, empty, & hollow
Today’s just yesterday’s tomorrow
The sun died out, the ashes sifted
I’m still here, warped & twisted - Whatever your cross, whatever your pain
There will always be sunshine after the rain
Perhaps you may stumble, perhaps even fall
But God’s always ready to answer your callHe knows every heartache, sees every tear
A word from His lips can calm every fear
Your sorrows may linger throughout the night
But suddenly vanish at dawn’s early lightThe Savior is waiting somewhere above
To give you His grace and send you His love
Whatever your cross, whatever your pain
God always sends rainbows after the rain - Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
For my unconquerable soul.In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not winced nor cried aloud.
Under the bludgeonings of chance
My head is bloody, but unbowed.Beyond this place of wrath and tears
Looms but the Horror of the shade,
And yet the menace of the years
Finds and shall find me unafraid.It matters not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishments the scroll,
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul. - Life is a bitter sweet pill
I am forced to take against my will
Everyone trying to pull me
Back into so called reality
Why, I ask, what does it hold?
Don’t they see I have nothing, I am so cold
My veins have no heat pumping through
My depression makes everything a shaded hue
In my heart I have no laughter, joy, or love
I have prayed, but there are no answers from above
My reality is not like other peoples seem to be
Silent screaming inside of me constant feelings of misery
Just want to withdraw into my own little safe haven
Just to be left alone and have people realize I am not worth saving
So please don’t save me
I don’t want to come back to your reality - Depression is a fight
Or a flight
Depression is a theif
That should be locked up
Depression steals…
Your appetite
It steals your view on life
It steals how you view yourself
Sometimes it even steals your life