Do you know what the integral elements of strong relationships are? Of course, different people think in different ways. There is no unambiguous answer to this kind of question! Probably, you’ll say that this question isn’t relevant, cause’ it’s too trivial.
However, having analyzed the frequent answers of most people, who are in love and not, it’s possible to say that the following things complete strong relationships:
Love. This feeling surely plays an important role in all types of relationships. It’s hard to be with a person you don’t love. There is no doubt that love will save the world!
Respect and understanding. Mutual understanding and respect for each other are considered to be among those important qualities, able to bind different people to each other. Relationships without respect cannot exist for a long time. Would you go on well with the person who always ignores your feelings and ideas? Your answer will likely be “no”!
Loyalty and honesty. What about the feelings of constant support and confidence? We all need to have close people, able to prove their allegiance to us! It’s better to do something knowing that there is a person who will support you and lend a helping hand whenever you need it. It’s easier to live and work in the surrounding of honest and loyal people. You’ll definitely achieve great things with a loyal and faithful person (or people) as your background!
You’ll not find the full list of strong relationship characteristics here. Despite this, don’t hurry up to leave the page! Best loyalty quotes will interest you! They are the things, relevant for everybody! What relationships are we talking about? All types of relationships!
Look at family, friends, co-workers, the beloved, etc. Loyalty is important for everybody and everywhere! Unfortunately, not all people can understand what exactly loyalty means. Some of them even think that only dog loyalty exists. Who knows, maybe it’s true.
Although by nature, people tend to commit an act of betrayal, they can also be loyal to each other! Even the most dangerous gangsters in the world knew how important loyalty was! Famous quotes and sayings about what loyalty means will help you to believe in better things!
Do you still hesitate about the necessity of reading the following quotes? Well, you never know if you never try. In the article you’ll find the next useful quotes:
Famous quotes on family loyalty, which can help people who have problems with parents, children, brothers, sisters… Short and witty, they are really useful! Funny sayings about true friendship and a loyal friend, are necessary for all people who have friends and believe in the strength of relationships between best friends. Are you in love with somebody? Then you need quotes about being loyal for him and her!
Do you have somebody you may trust to the fullest extent? Just cherish the loyalty of this person and be devoted to him or her too!
Best Quotes about Loyalty and Honesty to Apply to Life
Still cannot understand the true meaning of being loyal and completely honest? Reading the following quotes about loyalty and honesty you’ll be able to open a new sense of your relationship with somebody as well as the new meaning of your life!
- Success is the result of perfection, hard work, learning from failure, loyalty, and persistence.
- One of the things that makes me who I am is the loyalty I have to the people I hold close to my heart.
- I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.
- If loyalty is, and always has been, perceived as obsolete, why do we continue to praise it? Because loyalty is essential to the most basic things that make life livable. Without loyalty, there can be no love. Without loyalty, there can be no family. Without loyalty, there can be no friendship. Without loyalty, there can be no commitment to the community or country. And without those things, there can be no society.
- Loyalty is a pearl among grains of sand, and only those who really understand its meaning can see it.
- Total loyalty is possible only when fidelity is emptied of all concrete content, from which changes of mind might naturally arise.
- A woman’s loyalty is tested when her man has nothing. A man’s loyalty is tested when he has everything.
- We, men and women, are all in the same boat, upon a stormy sea. We owe to each other a terrible and tragic loyalty.
- If you can’t value a commitment made by someone else, your own commitments lose their value too.
- All men are loyal, but their objects of allegiance are at best approximate.
Aphoristic Quotes about Dog Loyalty
Perhaps, you know that dogs are considered to be the most devoted creatures in the world. Dog loyalty is something like a good example for all of us. Not all people can be such faithful to others as dogs to their owners! It’s sad, isn’t it? However, it’s up to you to decide if you want to be trusty to close people or don’t have such people near you at all! Take your time and think over the following quotes:
- If having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.
- The greatest fear dogs know is the fear that you will not come back when you go out the door without them.
- To be sure, the dog is loyal. But why, on that account, should we take him as an example? He is loyal to man, not to other dogs.
- Thorns may hurt you, men desert you, sunlight turns to fog; but you’re never friendless ever if you have a dog.
- Dogs are loyal friends, and if they could talk, your secrets would still be safe. (If my cat could talk, I’d have to let the dog eat her.)
- The average dog is more loyal than the average person can ever be.
- Any dog can teach humans a lot of good things like loyalty and unconditional love.
- A full loyalty to the leader merely fits the dogs, not to the humans!
- If you want to find out what being faithful really means, look at dogs.
- Confidentiality is a virtue of the loyal, as loyalty is the virtue of faithfulness.
Short Quotes on Loyalty In Family
Although it sounds too awful, being related by blood may mean nothing to some people. Nowadays, people are used to neglecting the precious gifts of God, such as parents, children, sisters, brothers, and other relatives. We all have to be more sensitive and aware of what it really takes to be faithful to the family. That’s why short quotes about family loyalty are worth your careful attention!
- So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty.
- You stayed because you were loyal to your family name. It is not cowardice.
- Family means nobody gets left behind…. or forgotten.
- The love of family and the admiration of friends is much more important than wealth and privilege.
- We are born among relatives. Family is defined by loyalty.
- When you get married, your loyalty, first and foremost, is to your spouse, and to the family that you create together.
- The strength of a family, like the strength of an army, is in its loyalty to each other.
- …it isn’t things and proximity, or even blood that holds us all together. What makes a family is love and loyalty.
- So much of what is best in us is bound up in our love of family that it remains the measure of our stability because it measures our sense of loyalty. All other pacts of love or fear derive from it and are modeled upon it.
- Loyalty is a characteristic trait. Those who have it, give it free of charge.
True to Life Quotes about Being Loyal to Him
It’s a widely known fact that all men are polygamous and cannot be devoted to one woman. It’s not him, who is guilty of treason, it’s his nature… Really? What a bare-faced lie! It’s only your choice, not the choice of your nature! Don’t pass by the quotes about being loyal to him to get something new for yourself!
- I don’t care a damn about men who are loyal to the people who pay them.
- My loyalty and friendship have no bounds, no matter where life takes us you’ll always have my hand.
- Faithless is he that says farewell when the road darkens.
- I may not be the kind of person you want me to be, but I will always be there for you.
- Within the hearts of men, loyalty and consideration are esteemed greater than success.
- Honesty and loyalty are key. If two people can be honest with each other about everything, that’s probably the biggest key to success.
- Loyalty is from above, betrayal is from below.
- I place an enormous premium on loyalty. If someone betrays me, I can forgive them rationally, but emotionally I have found it impossible to do so.
- Unless you can find some sort of loyalty, you cannot find unity and peace in your active living.
- You give loyalty, you’ll get it back. You give love, you’ll get it back.
Meaningful Quotes on Loyalty and Love in Relationships
Love and loyalty should always be together if you want to have long-lasting relationships! How many hearts have been broken due to the disloyalty of people who always think only about their own desires and needs? Quotes on loyalty and love will interest people who have relationships and want to make them stronger!
- Love and loyalty run deeper than blood.
- Loyalty is the strongest glue that makes a relationship last for a lifetime.
- We have to recognize that there cannot be relationships unless there is commitment unless there is loyalty unless there is love, patience, and persistence.
- I belong to the people I love, and they belong to me-they, and the love and loyalty I give them, form my identity far more than any word or group ever could.
- If one of two lovers is loyal, and the other jealous and false, how may their friendship last, for Love is slain!
- Endeavour to be faithful, and if there is any beauty in your thought, your style will be beautiful; if there is any real emotion to express, the expression will be moving.
- I look for these qualities and characteristics in people. Honesty is number one, respect, and absolutely the third would have to be loyalty.
- Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart — the center of self-respect and human dignity. It is a force that leaps into being only when conditions are exactly right for it — and it is a force very sensitive to betrayal.
- A person who deserves my loyalty receives it.
- The only people I owe my loyalty to are those who never made me question theirs.
Quotes about the Importance of Trust and Loyalty for Her
Do you feel a lack of trust from your girlfriend? Or, maybe, it’s you who isn’t able to trust her due to some reasons? Don’t hide your emotions and thoughts! Trust and loyalty are too important for all relationships to be ignored! Tell your girlfriend openly, or send some quotes about trust and loyalty to her!
- In thy face, I see the map of honor, truth, and loyalty.
- You don’t earn loyalty in a day. You earn loyalty day by day.
- Loyalty is what makes us trust, trust is what makes us stay, staying is what makes us love, and love is what gives us hope.
- What makes a woman beautiful is her loyalty to and her friendships with other women, and her honesty with men.
- It isn’t an easy thing to give your loyalty to someone you don’t know, especially when that person chooses to reveal nothing of himself.
- Love often wears a mask in order to test loyalty.
- Loyalty is what makes us trust. Trust is what makes us stay. Staying is what makes us love, and love is what gives us hope.
- I have a loyalty that runs in my bloodstream, when I lock into someone or something, you can’t get me away from it because I commit that thoroughly. That’s in friendship, that’s a deal, that’s a commitment. Don’t give me paper – I can get the same lawyer who drew it up to break it. But if you shake my hand, that’s for life…
- Loyalty means nothing unless it has at its heart the absolute principle of self-sacrifice.
- Loyalty is a will, a decision, a resolution of the soul.
Useful Quotes about Loyalty and Betrayal in Friendship
Loyalty is a strong background of friendship. If you have friends you can rely on, you simply have everything you need in the world. Unfortunately, not all friends can be faithful to each other. When it comes to friendship, there is nothing worse than betrayal. If your best friend has betrayed you, don’t get panic: he or she wasn’t your true friend! The following quotes about loyalty and betrayal will come in handy for everybody!
- What I value most in my friends is loyalty.
- True friends are those who came into your life, saw the most negative part of you, but are not ready to leave you, no matter how contagious you are to them.
- I place an enormous premium on loyalty. If someone betrays me, I can forgive them rationally, but emotionally I have found it impossible to do so.
- Loyalty and friendship, which is to me the same, created all the wealth that I’ve ever thought I’d have.
- Unlike the puerile loyalty to a conviction, loyalty to a friend is a virtue perhaps the only virtue, the last remaining one.
- It’s an insane world, but in it there’s one sanity, the loyalty of old friends.
- Trust is a big word for me. Loyalty and trust, for me, are everything. It’s the core of what I’m about and what the people around me hopefully are about. It’s a certain thing that gives you a sense of security. It’s the biggest factor in everything I do.
- I think a good friend, to me, is all about trust and loyalty. You don’t ever want to second-guess whether you can tell your friend something.
- You cannot buy loyalty; you cannot buy the devotion of hearts, minds, and souls. You have to earn these things.
- Loyalty isn’t grey. It’s black and white. You’re either loyal completely, or not loyal at all.
Gangster Movie Quotes about Loyalty Which Will Surprise You
Loyalty may be different. Everything depends on people and their surroundings, and sphere of communication. Who says that a gangster cannot be loyal? You’ll be surprised, but gangsters know more about loyalty than law-abiding people! All their philosophy is based on devotion to the case as well as to each other. Quotes from gangster movies about loyalty will impress you!
- Never tell anyone outside the Family what you are thinking again.
- One of my biggest mistakes in life…is believing people will show me the same love I’ve shown them!!
- Some people aren’t loyal to you… They are loyal to their need of you… Once their needs change, so does their loyalty.
- There are three things you should know about me…1) My circle is small. 2) I am loyal to the end. 3) Never fuck me over.
- Be careful who you call your friends. I’d rather have four quarters than one hundred pennies.
- Together we shared a bond, not even death would violate.
- Trust, once lost, could not be easily found. Not in a year, perhaps not even in a lifetime.
- Great leaders inspire incredible loyalty in their followers and subordinates.
- Only the person who has faith in himself is able to be faithful to others.
Most Famous Quotes on Loyalty for Any Occasion
The most interesting thing about loyalty is that it’s universal and should be common for everybody! In fact, some of us even don’t know what loyalty is and why it’s so important to be faithful. Don’t despair! It’s possible to change everything. Start with yourself! Know what famous people think about loyalty be reading their quotes.
- There is something wrong with your character if opportunity controls your loyalty.
- Loyalty is the pledge of truth to oneself and others.
- Hold faithfulness and sincerity as first principles.
- Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.
- Loyalty to the country always. Loyalty to the government when it deserves it.
- Be loyal to those who are not present. In doing so, you build the trust of those who are present.
- Nothing is nobler, nothing more venerable, than loyalty.
- Loyalty is the highest virtue taught by abusers and used as a control tool.
- If you will not die for us, you cannot ask us to die for you.
- Love and loyalty run deeper than blood.
Folk Sayings about Loyalty with Funny Meanings
Folk wisdom is among those things, which will always be up to date! It is about every phenomenon in our life. Loyalty takes the most important place in the sphere of folk wisdom! Funny sayings about loyalty have been collected over centuries to teach us how to live in a proper way!
- Loyalty is Royalty. The people who want to stay in your life will always find a way. Real friends stay faithful. You shouldn’t have to fight for a spot in someone’s life. Never force someone to make a space in their life for you, because if they truly care about you, they will create one for you.
- Be all in or get all out. There is no halfway.
- Don’t let your loyalty become slavery. If they don’t appreciate what you bring to the table, let them eat alone.
- The people that actually try to stay in your life are the only ones you really need.
- Staying with someone that doesn’t appreciate you isn’t loyalty, it’s stupidity.
- The only true test of loyalty is fidelity in the face of ruin and despair.
- Loyalty cannot be blueprinted. It cannot be produced on an assembly line. In fact, it cannot be manufactured at all, for its origin is the human heart-the center of self-respect and human dignity. It is a force that leaps into being only when conditions are exactly right for it-and it is a force very sensitive to betrayal.
- Where the battle rages, there the loyalty of the soldier is proved.
- My whole thing is loyalty. Loyalty over royalty; the word is bond.
- Loyalty to an unjust cause is a perversion of honor
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