We celebrate Mother’s Day in many areas of the globe. Traditions vary but we all have the same purpose in mind. We want to express our gratitude to mom for everything she has done for the family. Mother’s Day In the United States is always the second Sunday of May. Mark your 2023 calendar for Sunday May 14. (1)
Mother’s Day can be traced to ancient history. The Greeks and Romans held festivities to honor the mother goddesses Rhea and Cybele. Then there was Mothering Sunday, an early Christian festival.
The tradition shifted over time into a more secular holiday. It merged with the American Mother’s Day sometime in the 1930s and 1940s. (1) Mothers receive gifts, cards, and flowers today from their loved ones.
What Moms Really Want for Mother’s Day
We want mom to feel special on her day. But, how to do it? Several surveys give us hints as to what moms really want for Mother’s Day. Some of the popular answers are as follows: (2)
Freedom. A mom’s job is 24/7. Some moms simply want a day to rest. It may be a day of R&R. Or just some “alone time” at home.
Quality time with the family. Many moms want to celebrate Mother’s Day with their family. They want to do something out of the ordinary to make the day extra special. Perhaps a picnic at the park, a day at the beach, or dinner at her favorite restaurant.
Freeing herself from “mom duties.” Sure, she’ll probably still do the same tasks she’s been doing daily. But this time she’ll appreciate help. Listen to what makes her upset or she complains about. Then, do those chores the way she wants them done.
Feeling pampered. Lots of moms want a relaxing day to be pampered. She wants to feel fresh and beautiful. A gift of a visit to her hair salon or spa can do wonders and certainly will put a smile on that weary face.
New adventure. Daily tasks can be tiresome and boring. Look for new shops or activities that recently opened in your town. Go out and try something new.
Acknowledgment. All moms simply want to be acknowledged for all they do for the family. They work hard and do everything out of sheer love. Mom would really like to hear words of gratitude and appreciation to signify all her efforts are recognized. That she is cherished deeply by her family.
Looking for a new way to greet her on Mother’s Day? These pictures are yours to download.
Mother’s Day Picture for Mom You Can Download for Free
Take some time to prepare an image for your mom on Mother’s Day. Our pics are completely free to download.
Nice Images and Quotes for Happy Mother’s Day
Her kid’s world is what is truly important to your mother. It’s your time to show you remember and appreciate everything she has done for you. Here are some lovely images and quotes you can use:

Happy Mother’s Day with Daughter Graphics
The bond between mother and daughter can be very strong. They share the good and difficult moments. Mother’s Day is an ideal time to let her know how special she is to you. Here are some daughter-to-mom graphics you can use:

Funny Happy Mother’s Day Pictures
Motherhood is certainly serious. But, it can be funny, too. Here are some humorous pictures you can share:

Amazing Images with Wishes for Mother’s Day
Spend the whole day with mom today. Let her know how important she is to you. Choose any of these images on Mother’s Day:

Pics with Quotes for Mother in Heaven on Mother’s Day
Losing mom carves a hole in our soul. She can see and hear what you say even if she is not physically with you. See our suggestions below:

Amusing Happy Mother’s Day Gif
There are not enough words in the world to thank our mothers for everything good they’ve done for us. You can pick up interesting greetings for Facebook to make a post. Or, simply send mom one of these GIFs to wish her Happy Mother’s Day.

Happy First Mother’s Day Images
Is she celebrating her first Mother’s Day? The celebration of her first Mother’s Day is a milestone. It should leave her with unforgettable memories. These supportive images will be a sign you are really proud of her:

My Best Friend Images for Mother’s Day Cards
Mother is your first and most reliable friend. It’s believed the strongest connection is usually between mother and daughter, especially when the daughter becomes a mother herself. Mother’s Day is a nice reminder of how grateful you are to be her child. In order to emphasize your friendly relationship with your mom, we offer the best friend images for Mother’s Day cards:

Beautiful Photos of Flowers for Mother’s Day
Moms often are called the glue of the family, due to their ability to unite all the members together and create a friendly, warm atmosphere. When there is Mother’s Day around the corner, it’s your time to surprise and inspire your mom. How can you do it in the best way? All women love attention and flowers! So, let her know what she means to you with our beautiful photos of flowers:

- History.com Editors. (2011, April 29). Mother’s Day 2021. HISTORY. https://www.history.com/topics/holidays/mothers-day
- Foster, B. (2018, May 2). What Moms Really Want for Mother’s… All Pro Dad; All Pro Dad. https://www.allprodad.com/what-moms-really-want-for-mothers-day/