When you asked the girl you truly like THE question “Will you be my girlfriend”, and then, she said “Yes!”, it sure is one of the best feelings. But soon after, you stepped back a little and asked yourself, “Now, what?”
You felt you’re the luckiest man in the world after she said yes, affirming that both of you openly admitted to feeling the same way.
The thing you have to ponder next is to find ways to make your muse feel special, …to make her certain she’s right to have chosen you and take your relationship to the next level.
Show her that you are taking your relationship profoundly and with all your heart. Make her feel she’s the apple of your eyes even after she said yes. Get to know her even more. Ask her questions! If you are not sure which questions to ask, then, read on to find out which questions to ask your significant other and when.
It’s important to time them perfectly and be clear of your purpose. Know why you should ask her these questions. Let us help you. Read on. We even have tips for you on how to spice up your relationship with your girlfriend.
Why Should You Ask Your Girlfriend Questions?
Science speaks! Psychologists Linda Bloom and Charlie Bloom believe that asking the right questions cultivates relationships. Communication is crucial to a healthy relationship. And by healthy, it means the relationship should grow and be nurturing. Otherwise, it leads nowhere.
A healthy relationship with blooming communication should be able to help you understand each other well. Your communication with her should help in bringing more awareness of each other’s strengths and flaws — not a means to measure the gap between strengths or to magnify flaws but a path to each other to fill in with mutual love, respect, support, and understanding.
There are many reasons, in fact, to drive you into asking your girlfriend questions and one of them is your insatiable desire in getting to know her deeper. Many great questions to ask your girl can be excellent conversation starters. From the most trivial things to her most intimate, deepest thoughts, these topics are splendid things to ask and talk about with your girlfriend. They‘re your opportunity to know what interests her and what doesn’t. Take them as your hints!
Mind-reading can be dangerous. It’s a hit-and-miss! As much as you want to swoon her with a doting surprise, you also don’t want her to get the wrong impression. And so, by relying on what you think you knew about her, you might end up in trouble. Good communication can avoid that. We’re not saying that you stop giving her surprises. She will appreciate it more when it’s done with a great sense of regard and not by relying solely upon intuition.
Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
Here are some loving questions to ask your girlfriend to keep your relationship with your dream girl growing strong. These questions can be great conversations to have with your girlfriend.
Flirty Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
When to ask?
These questions are ideally asked when both of you are talking in private. She may be ready to answer these questions when she feels reassured and comfortable to speak.
That is if she feels you are eager to hear her thoughts on deeper topics without judgment.
- What’s your ultimate sexual fantasy?
- When did I turn you on the most?
- For you, when is the best time for sex?
- Do you have a secret fetish? Mind to share?
- How do you want me to please you in bed?
- What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done in bed?
- Have you ever fantasized about me while we’re not a couple yet?
- When do you miss me the most?
- Which part of me do you find the most attractive?
- What are you wearing tonight?
- When am I going to see you again? I’m dying for your kiss.
- While I’m away, do you sexually please yourself?
- What’s the best adult movie you’ve watched?
- Do you like it rough?
- What’s the craziest place you think we should try to have sex?
- When’s the last time you fantasized about me?
- Would you go skinny dipping with me?
- What do you think about casual sex?
- Would you like to jump in the shower with me?
- Do you think you’re kinky?
Deep Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
When to ask?
These questions are ideally asked when both of you are talking in private. She may be ready to answer these questions when she feels reassured and comfortable to speak.
That is if she feels you are eager to hear her thoughts on deeper topics without judgment.
- Do you believe in soul mates?
- If you ever had to choose between career and love, what would it be?
- What’s your most unforgettable moment?
- Of all the gifts you received, which one is your most favorite?
- What’s your most treasured keepsake?
- What’s your ideal romantic relationship?
- What do you think is the ‘deal breaker’ in a relationship?
- Do you believe in love-at-first sight?
- Do you think long distance relationships can work?
- Do you believe that having a solid friendship is key to a lasting relationship?
- If there’s one thing you want to accomplish, what is it?
- How can I help you achieve your dreams?
- Do you have an idea how beautiful of a person you are?
- What are the things that make you happy?
- What are the things that scare you?
- Do you worry about the things I might say or think about you?
- Is there something else you are passionate about that you want to share with me?
- What’s the most important thing in your life today?
- How important is our relationship to you?
- How can we make our relationship work?
Weird and Fun Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
When to ask?
These are funny questions and so may be construed as freaky things to say to your girlfriend. Thus, be cautious. If you have the tiniest inkling that these questions may offend her, rephrase it, or better not to attempt at all.
- If I’d be your genie for a day, what would be your three wishes?
- If I’m going to wear a goofy costume, would you be too embarrassed to walk with me?
- If I’m not a guy, would you still love me?
- If I could go to Mars, would you go there with me?
- What’s the weirdest thing that you’d wish for us to do?
- When was the last time I made you feel awkward?
- I know I’m perfect, but is there something you want to change about me?
- What was your first impression of me?
- Do you want to know what my first impression is of you?
- What’s the first thing about me that comes to your mind when I say food?
- What do you think is the creepiest thing we have done together?
- What’s the worst/best pick up line you’ve heard from a guy? Was it from me?
- Do you fall in or out of love easily?
- What’s your most favorite topic?
- What do you secretly hate about?
- Is there something you wish I would never say? … or do?
- Would you kick me out of the room if you hear me snore or would you hug me because you find it cute?
- Coffee, tea, or me?
- What’s the worst thing that could happen?
- Do I look like any of your celebrity crushes?
Cute and Romantic Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
When to ask?
These cute and romantic things to say to your girlfriend can probably be asked whenever.
- What’s about me that you liked the most?
- When did you realize you like me?
- When did you first know that I am so into you?
- Do you want to know when and how I fell in love with you?
- Do you still remember the first time we met?
- When did you realize you’ve also fallen in love with me?
- When was the first time I made you feel special?
- Listen to the music. Do you like it?
- Is there a song that reminds you of me?
- Would you dance with me?
- Which of my perfumes do you like the most?
- Which outfit do you think best suits me?
- Do you like cuddling in bed?
- What kind of adventures would you like to try with me?
- Would you go out on a camping trip with me?
- Where do you want to go next?
- Is there something that we have not yet done together?
- Do you want to know why I am calling you right now?
- Do you believe in a long-term relationship?
- Do you have an idea how much I am in love with you?
- Did you miss me?
Personal Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend

When to ask?
The answers to these questions are, in fact, basic information that people who know that you are a couple would expect that you knew. So, go ahead. Ask these questions to your girlfriend early on to get to know her better.
- Have you ever regretted anything in life?
- What’s the most difficult decision you’ve made?
- Do you find it hard to trust someone?
- What does it take to win your trust? …break your trust?
- Who are your inspirations?
- What is “fun” for you?
- What’s your biggest life’s realizations?
- What was your unpopular belief?
- What makes you cry?
- What makes you smile?
- Is there something that you want to tell me?
- How do you take care of yourself? Are you into sports?
- If you were in a different field, what would that be?
- Is there a place or country you would like to visit?
- Is there anyone who you wish to see in person?
- Do you like going to parties? Concerts?
- Which types of movies do you enjoy watching?
- How’s your Saturday like?
- What do you do in your free time?
- Is there something that you wish people could appreciate more?
Good Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend About Your Relationship
When to ask?
Ask these questions to see where your relationship with her is going. Get some pointers on what, when, and how to say nice things to your girlfriend. If she likes poetry, then, you might consider making a sweet poem just for her. And then find the right time to send it so she can appreciate it to the fullest.
- Have I made you feel less special?
- Is there anything you wish I would do to make you happier?
- Have I already made you feel angry?
- For those times I may not be too sure, how would I know you’re not mad at me?
- Is there something you wish I could do to make you feel more secure?
- Have I made you cry that I am not aware of?
- Have I done something that you wish I could have done or said more often?
- Would you like to meet my family?
- When can I meet your family?
- What makes you feel uncomfortable? Have I made you feel that way?
- Where do you see us in the next ten years?
- What’s your ideal boyfriend?
- Do you believe in marriage?
- Do you think I’m going to be a good father?
- How many kids would you like us to have?
- Do you see yourself growing old with me?
- How would you like me to call you? Honey? Babe?
- Is it alright that I cuddle you in public?
- Do you appreciate romantic poetry?
- When is the best time for me to call or text you?
Interesting Questions to Learn About Her Past
When to ask?
These juicy questions to ask your girlfriend can be asked when you feel she is ready. Going back to the past may be jolly to reminisce or could be haunting. Be careful in bringing in nostalgia.
- What’s your ultimate childhood dream?
- Who was your childhood crush?
- When was your first kiss?
- Why your past relationship didn’t work out?
- What was the most romantic thing a guy has done for you?
- Which music genre or singer have you been listening to?
- What was your favorite cartoon (anime) character?
- Who left the biggest mark in your life?
- What were your struggles?
- Is there something you’re still holding on till now?
- Are you close with your family? … relatives?
- Do you think you were a problem child when you were young?
- Who were your childhood friends?
- What’s your most memorable childhood moment?
- What kind of student were you in school?
- How long have you been in that job?
- What was the highlight of your career?
- What was the most challenging thing you had to overcome?
- Who helped you overcome your problems?
- Are you the same person as you were in the past?
- How have you changed over the years?
Random and Weird Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend Over Text
When to ask?
These crazy questions to ask your girlfriend will definitely crack her up. They may seem to have no meaning but they have a beautiful purpose. To bring light to her lovely face.
- If you could teleport right now, where would I find you?
- If you were to learn a new language, what would it be?
- Would you rather go to the beach? or hike a mountain?
- What would you choose? North pole or south pole?
- Which color of flower do you like?
- Chocolates? Or candies?
- If you were not a human, what would you be?
- Do you like surprises?
- Does the same sex attract you?
- Have you always been naughty or nice?
- If you have millions of dollars, how would you spend it?
- Do you crave anything right now?
- Sunrise? Or sunset?
- Cat? or Dog?
- Have you prayed?
- When was the last time you laughed?
- Do you like my name?
- Do you like dinosaurs?
- Would you rather swim like a fish or fly like a bird?
Hard and Serious Questions to Ask Your Girlfriend
When to ask?
These could be the hardest questions to ask your girlfriend. But there are times in a relationship wherein you will want to hear straight answers from her. And that might only be possible with a heartfelt question from you no matter how uncertain the outcome is.
- Am I putting your life on hold?
- Do you love me for who I am?
- With me in your life, are you living the life of your dreams?
- Do I make you happy?
- How can you forgive me?
- Where am I in your life right now?
- No matter what happens, you’re not going to leave me. Are you?
- Would you spend the rest of your life with me?
- Will you marry me?
6 Tips to Spice Up Your Relationship
Take note of these tips that could help spice up your relationship with your girlfriend.
- Flirt. She may want to hear and feel how attracted you are to her. So when the timing is right, let her know how much you want her. Wooing her should never stop at that time she said ‘Yes”. Send her a text message or if you’re feeling creative, make her a poem.
- Be intimate. Intimacy ignites that romantic bond. When she’s ready for it, then, perhaps you could level it up! But hey! Intimacy is not just physical. You could also be intimate with her by staying connected with her emotionally, mentally, and spiritually.
- Try something new. Is there something that she wishes to do with you as a couple? How about a date night at a place that she has long dreamed about? Ask her. Use the questions above. Who knows! You and your girlfriend could be up for the most memorable date ever!
- Echo. If she’s being vocal about her feelings for you, respond! But not to the point of seemingly competing with her, like, who loves more… or, who gives more. It is a matter of expressing yourself in ways that will make both of you feel secure.
- Surprise. When was the last time you made an effort to make her feel special? Nope, it isn’t always about giving presents. It can also be about something she wishes to hear from you or see that you do, for her, for love.
- Take care of each other. So, it’s not just about taking care of her but also yourself, together. Both of you could have a life outside your relationship but supporting each other and taking care of each other will bring out not just the best of your relationship but also the best versions of you.
These questions could serve as great conversation starters with your girlfriend. From deep, to random, to sheer funny, they are important questions to ask your girlfriend.
They are best to ask when you want to know her more or if you simply want to talk with your girlfriend. Ask her questions! Until both of you can comfortably laugh, cry, and share a dream of a life together.
Linda Bloom and Charlie Bloom. (2019). The Fine Art of Asking the Right Questions. Psychology Today. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/stronger-the-broken-places/201911/the-fine-art-asking-the-right-questions-0
By: Maria Victoria Gonzaga