Today, the fourth of July, we celebrate Independence Day in the United States. On July 4, 1776, Congress approved the Declaration of Independence. At that time, the inhabitants of 13 British colonies fought a war with the English king and parliament, because they believed that they were treated unfairly.
Just to remind you, the war began in 1775. During military activities, the colonists realized that they were fighting not just for better treatment, but for their independence from English dominion. The Declaration of Independence proclaimed the main ideas of democracy – the equality of people, their inalienable rights, among which the right to life, freedom and the pursuit of happiness.
That is why Independence Day is an important holiday for every patriot. Americans across the country get together and enjoy fireworks, picnics and other outdoor events, as well as concerts and patriotic speeches.
We suggest that you take a look at the best Independence Day pics so that you can creatively congratulate your friends, loved ones, and relatives on the Fourth of July! Check them out right here!
Happy Independence Day Images
Looking for a cool way to wish Happy Independence Day to your friends? Meet cute images, which you can send to your peeps and share your patriotic feelings with them. Let others get into the spirit of the holiday!

American Independence Day Pictures
The Fourth of July… The national flag and colors are everywhere and we listen to the patriotic songs which are loved so much. For most Americans, the holiday also became an occasion to spend this summer day outdoors. Check out these Independence Day images. Send them to your friends, colleagues, and relatives as an invitation to spend time together and go to a barbecue!

The USA Independence Day Photos
Back in 1776, when the fate of the United States was decided, the future President John Adams predicted that the day of declaring independence from Great Britain would be a great holiday for all citizens of the country for many years. And he’s not wrong.
For more than two hundred years now, on July 4, the USA has been celebrating the birthday of the country as a free state. If you wanna enter into the spirit of this national holiday, take a look at these patriotic pictures and Independence Day photos. Save them and don’t forget to share with friends!

Images Of Independence Day
Independence Day is a patriotic holiday that unites all Americans. Nothing can stop us from enjoying this wonderful day (even the attack of evil aliens, who put a lot of effort to spoil the holiday).
These cool Independence Day images can help you express your patriotic feelings and show your love for the state. Join the millions of citizens who celebrate the Fourth of July! Post these pics on Twitter, Facebook, or Instagram reminding everyone that today is Independence Day!