Being open and honest in your communication is key to a healthy relationship. Feel at ease when expressing your love. It is essential in building true and lasting love.
What does “good night” mean?
Saying “good night” is more than simply ending the day. You are telling her she is the one you are thinking about before you fall asleep. (1) Saying “good night” puts your wishful thinking about wanting to be right next to her into words. A “good night” is also one way of saying, “I chose you today and I’ll choose you again tomorrow and every day after that.” (1)
Why say “good night” to her
Saying good night to your lady will be a source of comfort for her. Your good night text could turn around what might have been a tough day. Now, she can be at ease with the not-so-subtle reminder you thought about her.
Saying “good night” can be a source of reassurance for her. It might be a cue she’s been waiting for from you to mean you are still hers.(1)
Getting caught up in busy schedules easily can lead to forgetting what truly matters. Seemingly simple gestures like saying “good night“ mean so much to someone who treasures you. Send your thoughts tonight. And often.
Creative ways to say “good night”
Make her feel special with an extraordinary “good night” wish. Perhaps surprise her with a note hidden under her pillow or inside a book she’s currently reading.
Far apart? Try sending each other bedtime selfies. Send her some funny good night memes to generate a smile before she dozes off. An inspirational good night quote is a good option.
Make a surprise post on your social media and end it with a “good night “for her. (2) Make sure she’s open to it, however, and will appreciate it. Not all ladies will be comfortable with this approach. Be creative, but be sure you also are absolutely sincere. (3)
What if she doesn’t say it back?
Here’s a golden rule: You should be open to the possibility she may not reply to your text. Not comfortable with that thought? Then hold off unless you’re sure you’ll be OK even if she doesn’t reply right away.
Saying good night early in your relationship is an endearing way to leave her feeling good. It means you are turning in for the night and closing out the conversation. It also shows she is the last person you are thinking about before going to bed yourself. Don’t continue texting after saying “good night.” It will dilute the impact.
Beyond texts
Sending text messages is merely one way to express your love. But focusing only on texts will lead to nowhere. You have to be there for her in person. Find time and make the effort to see and be with her. Your relationship will flourish.
Best Ideas of Goodnight Paragraphs for Her to Wake up to
The beginning of a new day brings another chance to build your relationship. Choose one of these messages to be waiting for her in the morning:
- This morning when I got up to make my coffee, I had to put in 5 scoops of sugar because I was missing your sweetness. And let me tell you, even that wasn’t enough. So, hurry up and come to me so I can taste the only sweetness I crave anymore, your lips.
- I woke up to the sound of a song about us playing on the radio. How did I know it was about us? It was obvious; it was a love song! What other love is worthy of a song? As far as I’m concerned, every love song is about you and me baby.
- As the early morning sun shines, it reminds me of how your love has brightened up my life. Now I smile so wide because you’ve given me a reason to live – a reason to love. Good morning my love.
- The weather is perfect this morning. The sun is shining, the air is warm, and there isn’t a cloud in the sky. But to be honest, the beauty of this morning pales in comparison to time with you. I’d rather spend a morning with you in the freezing rain than a day in paradise without you. You’re all the warmth I need.
- I went to sleep last night dreaming of the next time we’d meet. I woke up this morning thinking about the last time I saw you. Ever since I’ve met you, time’s all out of order, I can only live in the present when you’re beside me.
- When you receive a text message from me in the morning, I’m not just saying good morning but saying that I’m honored to have someone as special as you in my life. I bless the day our path crossed, I wish you all the good things of life today and always, and may all your dreams come true for you, my baby. Good morning my sunshine.
What to Write in Goodnight Texts to a Crush?
Shy in expressing your feelings? Send one of these “good night” texts to make her night special:
- I find my self-loving you more and more every day. Really wish the feeling was mutual. I can’t help but think of you. Dream of me.
- Night is silent; night is beautiful; night is calm; night is quiet… But any night is not complete without wishing you good night. Sweet dreams!
- I’m going to keep loving you. That’s one promise I’ve made to myself. And my greatest wish is that you someday get to love me just as much. Have a good night lovely.
- Enjoy your night crush. Don’t let anything hurt you okay? Have a nice sleeping time.
- Every night I try to stay up later than you, so I can send you a good night text that you’ll see in the morning. I love you, my queen.
- Every time I see you, my love for you grows fonder and fonder. Now that you’re not with me, all I look forward to is seeing you again. I love you always.
Long and Sweet Goodnight Paragraph for Your Girlfriend
Don’t miss the opportunity to send your lady a long good night paragraph like one of these:
- You are beautiful and intelligent and it is time for you to go to rest my dear girlfriend so that tomorrow you look even better and you leave everyone surprised by the bright ideas you have. I am completely in love with you and I want you to have that in mind before you go to sleep. I love you very much!
- My sweet girlfriend, I send you this text to wish you a good night and show you all the affection and admiration that I have for you, for you are a woman who fights for what she wants, extremely brave and especially for motivating me to keep moving forward. I love you very much, may you have a good night and do not forget that you are always in my mind.
- Sweet dreams my dear girlfriend; it is time the angels come down from heaven to decorate your dreams and watch over them. You are an amazing person, full of energy and goodness, and therefore you deserve to have a good rest and recover. I love you so much.
My life is much more beautiful since you are in it. I thank life for sending you to make my days happier. You are my motivation and I want you to know that I will always be by your side to take care of you and love you. I adore you, do not ever forget that. - My dear girlfriend, you are the sole owner of my heart, I want you to rest and have a good night sleep so that tomorrow you start your day in the best way possible. Do not forget that you are always present in my mind and that I wish you the best for you are one of the most special people who I have met. I love you very much.
- It is impossible to describe how I feel when you are away. The moment I saw you, it was like the sun suddenly shined in my entire life. The dark loneliness that I feel when you are gone is impossible to deal with. All I can think about is cuddling you again and holding you in my arms.
Impressive Ideas of Cute GN Paragraphs for Her
Love is a powerful feeling. Here are some ways to express it before she falls asleep tonight:
- My day has been hectic, it’s been non-stop and I never got to see you. It was hard but the thought of falling asleep without saying goodnight to you was unbearable. Goodnight, sleep tight, I can’t wait until the next time I see you.
- I send you good night messages every day. Do you know what that means? It is not just sweet dreams or good night I meant to say. I want you to know I always think of you before going to sleep. Good night!
- Watching the moon from my window makes me imagine your beauty glowing by the moonlight, and it’s mesmerizing. It instantly makes me smile. Have a good night.
- As time keeps ticking by, I want you to know that you mean everything to me. Ever since I set my eyes on you, you have become my entire world and it is impossible to sleep without thinking about you. I love you gorgeous. Good night!
- Every day you give me more reasons to fall in love with you – I’m thinking of ways to make you fall more and more in love with me as I fall asleep, dreaming of you…
- I like saying good night to you every night so that you sleep well and dream with me. I just want you to know you are always in my thought whether I am sleeping or I am awake. Good night my precious gem!
Long Paragraphs to Say Goodnight for Her
A nice long “good night” message will send her to sleep happy and thinking of you:
- You have the beauty of an angel and it is time for you to go to rest because tomorrow will be a day full of activities, and you have to be well rested to give your best like you always do. I love you very much and I want you to remember that I am deeply in love with you before you close your eyes.
- I wish I were the moon so that I could watch you while you sleep. I wish I were the pillow so that I could comfort you in your dreams. I wish I were your blanket so that I could wrap my arms around you and hug you tightly while you sleep. In the end, all I want is to be with you. Good night.
- I have no words to tell you how I am feeling right now without you. You brightened up my life with just one look my way and now it is so hard to bear all this darkness I am surrounded with. I just want to be with you again and sleep right next to you in your arms. Good night Gorgeous!
- My sweet girlfriend, I send you this text to wish you a good night and show you all the affection and admiration that I have for you, for you are a woman who fights for what she wants, extremely brave and especially for motivating me to keep moving forward. I love you very much, may you have a good night and do not forget that I you are always in my mind.
- At night when I lie on my bed, I always recap all the wonderful moments I spent with you. My favorite ones are those in which you smile. Your smile is very toxic and just makes me want to capture it and never let go. I hope to see that again tomorrow. Good night.
Good Night Love Messages for Her to Make her Smile
A love message sent to say “good night” is a good way to help her fall asleep with a smile on her face.
- Every single day you give reason to love you all over again. Again and again you just amaze me with your beautiful qualities of beautifying simple things in life. I want to be the man you deserve. Good night love!
- This message has the following attachments – the sweetest kiss and coziest hug, the cutest cuddle and warmest snuggle. Good night.
- Just want you to know that you are the last thing I think before falling asleep and the first thing I think about when I open my eyes. Good night beautiful!
- You are the reason why I have sleepless nights. You are the reason why I tend to hold my pillow tight. And you are the reason I can’t sleep without saying goodnight.
- Everything is better at night, the thinking, loving and dreaming. The peace you get during the night makes it purer than the day. Good night my dear.
- Every day, I just learn to love you more and more. I can’t wait what tomorrow brings and how much more I can love you. Sleep tight and beautiful dreams.
Sweet Things to Say to Her Before She Goes to Bed
Bedtime and romance. Make it happen with one of these messages:
- Thinking about you is the tipping point where my nightmares end and sweet dreams begin. I love you.
- I am not a poet to describe my feelings beautifully for you, but that changed when I met you. Now I don’t have enough words to tell you how I feel. With lots of hugs. Good night.
- I have never felt so lonely my entire life until you. Living without you warmth and your smile just builds a storm inside and makes me want to run to you. I miss you every hour, every min, every second. Good night!
- Beautiful dreams, stars, the moon, flowers, and sunsets have nothing on you girl. You make the world a brighter place even when you’re going to bed.
- Sometimes I can’t sleep because I miss you so much then I remember that I can meet you in my dreams and I fall asleep instantly. Thank you for being in my life, my lucky charm. Have a good night.
- I think of you as soon as I wake up and then again before I fall asleep. You see, you’re never out of my thoughts. Have a Good Night!
Romantic Goodnight Paragraphs with Images for Her
Sending a goodnight message is a way to foster intimacy in your relationship. A message that comes from the heart will let her know how much she means to you.

- Corley, K.O. (2016, December 22). This Is What A Good Night Text Really Means. Thought Catalog; Thought Catalog. https://thoughtcatalog.com/kirsten-corley/2016/12/this-is-what-a-good-night-text-really-means/
- Hoy, T. (2017, July 10). Are You Looking For A Cute Way To Say Goodnight? | BetterHelp. Betterhelp.Com; BetterHelp. https://www.betterhelp.com/advice/intimacy/are-you-looking-for-a-cute-way-to-say-goodnight/
- Porter, R. (2019, September 25). Is It Important To Always Send A Goodnight Text? | Regain. Regain.Us; ReGain. https://www.regain.us/advice/chat/is-it-important-to-always-send-a-goodnight-text/