Nobody will argue that parents play a very important role in the life of every person. Despite the fact that the word “parents” usually means both a mother and a father, fathers are always short of attention from their children. Why is it so? The thing is that men are more secretive when it comes to the expression of their feelings.
However, this doesn’t mean that your father loves you less than the mother does. Fathers’ love can be easily seen in their care. If your father is used to hiding his emotions and feelings, you shouldn’t leave him without an appropriate attention on this Father’s Day!
Father’s Day is a national celebration for all fathers around the world. Every third Sunday of June is aimed to honor our fathers, who are definitely worth getting care and love from the kids. For this purpose, we’ve gathered the best poems about dads! It’s easy to congratulate a father if you have a few ideas of what to say to him. Funny Dad poems for Fathers Day will replace boring congratulations with ordinary “Happy Fathers Day” words!
The variety of verses, dedicated to dads, will impress even the most fastidious person! Do you want to congratulate your husband? You’ll find cute poems from wife below. Christian poems for deceased dads will help you to honor your father in heaven, while funny Fathers Day poems are good to use to make your father laugh! For preschoolers, teenagers, and adults Fathers Day poems will be a perfect idea of present due to this day!
Best Ideas of Short Poetry for Fathers Day
Looking for the best present for your father on this Fathers Day? You’ve come to the right place! Poetry is the present for the soul! Below, you’ll find more short poems, filled with gratitude to your father for all his care:
- Most of all, I’m grateful
And my heart is truly glad
That today and every single day
I have you as my Dad! - To my dad on his day,
Of whom I am a living will:
May your happiness fulfill
Your goodness, as is just and right.
Deeds are seeds upon the night
As wind and wonder have their way,
Delivering the destined light. - Happy Fathers Day
Happy Fathers day means more
than have a happy day
It means I love you first of all
Then thanks for all you do
It means you mean a lot to me
and that I honor you. - A father is a source of strength,
A teacher and a guide,
The one his family looks up to
With loving trust and pride…
A father is a helper
With a willing hand to lend,
A partner, an adviser,
And the finest kind of friend. - Dad, Father, Papa
Are some of the names
You are called
But whichever is used
One thing always remain the same
We celebrate one wonderful person
every Father’s Day!
Touching Poems from Daughter to Say “Happy Fathers Day”
Although all fathers dream of having a son, they’re happy to get a daughter! When a small princess appears in the family, a father turns into a “daddy” and doesn’t possess his heart anymore. Please your daddy on Father’s Day with the following happy Fathers Day poems:
- There’s no greater gift than the pride of the father,
There’s no greater love than they have for their child.
You count on your father when others won’t bother
And moments together are so oft beguiled.
One day is not enough to share
The adulation that I bear
For You.
Happy Fathers’ Day! - Patient, kind, honest, and strong,
You have been there for me all along
You’re all that a kid could ever want,
Staying through my every stunt
I can’t believe I get to call you dad,
You’re the best anyone ever had
To call you my own is a true honor
’Cause there could never be a better father
Happy Father’s Day! - If I could write a story,
It would be the greatest ever told.
I’d write about my daddy,
For he had a heart of gold.
My dad, he was no hero
Known around this world.
He was everything to me,
For I was his baby girl.
I’d write about the lessons.
He taught me right from wrong.
He instilled in me the values
That one day I’d be strong.
He taught me to face my fears,
Take each day as it comes,
For there are things that we can’t change.
He would say what’s done is done. - For my father, my friend,
This to me you have always been.
Through the good times and the bad,
Your understanding I have had.
A gentle man at heart,
This sets you apart
From the others I’ve seen.
You mean so much to me.
With deep appreciation for all you have done.
You, Dad,
Are my number one.
With all my love, Your Daughter, Your Friend - A little girl needs Daddy
For many, many things:
Like holding her high off the ground
Where the sunlight sings!
Like being the deep music
That tells her all is right
When she awakens frantic with
The terrors of the night.
Like giving her the love
That is her sea and air,
So diving deep or soaring high
She’ll always find him there.
Inspirational Poems to Use on Fathers Day
A father is considered to be an example to follow for his children. It’s a kind of challenge to be a model for those who repeat everything after you. Even the best father in the world needs to be inspired from time to time in order to be ideal. Inspirational Fathers Day poems will become the source of encouragement for everybody who has children!
- There’s days to fuss with knitting socks
And days to sleep or play
But the one that means the most to me
Is known as Fathers Day.
To be a Father is a calling,
Not all men can claim
Responding to the family’s needs,
Providing love’s his aim
And to that end, you’ve given me
The best I know you’ve had
I wish you the best this Father’s Day
My one and only Dad. - God made a father who is,
as sweet as a nectar,
as brave as a lion,
as cheerful as a bear,
and he gave such dear father to me. - My Daddy is a mountain
My Daddy is a sea
My Daddy smiles again and again
I love my Daddy
And I know he loves me
cause my Daddy is a ray of lite
that warms a winters’ eve
My daddy is very special to me
I could not live without my daddy
as he could not live without me. - A Father means so many things…
An understanding heart,
A source of strength and support
right from the very start.
A constant readiness to help
In a kind and thoughtful way.
With encouragement and forgiveness,
No matter what comes your way.
A special generosity and always affection, too.
A father means so many things
when he’s a man like you….
Make Fathers Day Funny with Interesting Poems from Son
A son is the successor of a father. Every father wants to see his own reflection in his son. In addition to this, all fathers want their children to become happy and always smile in spite of all life challenges. Show the father your sense of humor and put a smile on his face with the help of funny poems. Be creative and have fun on this Fathers Day!
- Happy father’s day, Father
You deserve an accolade
Not just because you are my dad
But because of what you made
You made an incredible son
As I’m sure you are aware
With looks and brains and modesty
All beyond compare. - Dear Dad, you are the greatest,
Your every move sublime
You make the right decisions
Most each and every time - You’ve proven you’re the greatest dad
And all should sing your song
So won’t you give me 50 bucks
And prove that I’m not wrong? - We love to wear your shoes Daddy,
As you can clearly see.
Pretending we’re as big as you,
For soon that day will be.
We hope to be like you someday,
Strong, Patient, full of love.
You’re the greatest Dad on earth,
With quite the shoes to fill. - I am your snicker pots,
And I love you lots and lots.
In the car, you drive fast.
In the backseat, I have a blast.
Vroom, Vroom, go daddy go!
Faster… Faster, while mom screams Nooooo!
You keep me safe and still have fun,
I love you more than anyone!
Happy Father’s Day, Daddy!
Father’s Day Poems with Religious Background
Christianity reveals the essence of family in the best way. The role of parents, especially the one of a father, is considered to be fundamental. A father is a breadwinner, defender, and creator… It’s your duty as a child to help your father to succeed! May your father be in all your thoughts and prayers! Christian Father’s Day poems, collected in the post, will come in handy on Father’s day as well as in your everyday life:
- With these three words,
“Dear Heavenly Father,”
I begin my every prayer,
But the man I see
While on bended knee
Is always my earthly dad. - He is the image
Of the Father divine
Reflecting the nature of God,
For his love and care
And the faith he shared
Pointed me to my Father above. - Dad, if all the fathers
Had lined up one by one,
And God told me to pick,
I’d still choose to be your son.
I’m proud to have a father
Who listens and understands,
Who teaches me and sets fair rules
Without unfair demands
Dad you are my hero,
My role model in all I do.
So dad, if I could pick again,
You know I’d still pick you!
We thank you for our fathers,
Who have gathered here today,
To praise your holy name,
For giving them strength and courage
To make it along life’s way.
We thank you for our fathers,
Who have loved us so well,
Clothed us, fed us, educated us,
Now we get a chance to tell,
To tell them how we love them,
To tell them how much we care,
To tell them we are ever so grateful,
Because they were always there. - My father is a Christian;
He leads our household well;
With instruction from the Bible,
Right behavior he’ll compel.
Yet he steers us with compassion;
His gentle love is true;
He conforms to our Lord Jesus,
So we know just what to do.
He teaches us with purpose,
Guides us in all Godly ways,
So we will take the right path,
And serve our Lord with praise.
I’m glad you’re a Christian, Dad;
You help me see things clearly.
I’ll always look up to you,
And love you very dearly.
Universal Poem Samples for Dad and Husband on Father’s Day
As a rule, a good man combines two of the most important roles in his life. He is a dad and husband. However, you shouldn’t forget about his feelings. The happiness of your father and husband depends on you! On this Father’s Day let your family man know that he is the best dad and husband in the whole world! A good poem, dedicated to him, will surely cheer your man up!
- You are so full of compassion, love, and strength.
When we need a strong hand of support in our family,
You are always there to the full length.
I love you for being who you are and for all that you do.
Happy Father’s Day to a wonderful husband and father, you’re too!
Happy Father’s Day to the man of my heart,
The father of our children, the love of my life.
I love our family and I love you! You are the best in my blood
Two things you should never forget…
That Father’s Day is about you
And that my love is endless too,
Happy Father’s Day, my heart to you! - Every morning I wake up and see
The man and father lying next to me.
He’s the one I cherish and love,
A blessing sent from Heaven above.
Poems in Honor of Father in Heaven for Father’s Day
Sometimes, our life is really severe with us, and we can’t influence it. Death of somebody we love is one of the hardest challenges, especially if it’s about a father. Although he’s left this world, your father is still in your heart! He will be with you until you think about him. If your father is in heaven, the following Father’s Day poems are exactly what you need to remind him about your love:
- I love you and I miss you, Dad,
and though you’ve passed away,
you’ll never be forgotten,
for I think of you each day.
If heaven celebrates this day
how special it will be.
A gathering of the many dads
upon our family tree.
May you know how much I love you,
though I’m here and you are there.
Happy Father’s Day in heaven
to the best dad anywhere! - I know this man
Who is dear to my heart
Suddenly one day
It was torn all apart
This man taught me everything
That I needed to know
But I never really listened
Until he had to go
He gave me love
And touched my life
It’s all over now
He no longer has to fight - So, I’ll hold him dear
And close to my heart
Cause the day we meet
I know we’ll never be torn apart. - The time we had, Dad,
Wasn’t nearly enough
To pack in an entire
Lifetime of love. - There are so many questions
That I need answers to,
But now that you’re gone
There’s no way to ask you. - Why my dear, sweet dad
Was taken so soon,
When he was my guiding star,
My sun and my moon. - There are no answers
To a question like this,
So I’ll cherish your memory,
And mourn the years we’ll miss. - The loss of a father
Is a heavy burden to bear.
He’s a source of quiet strength
That is so missed when he’s not there. - Take comfort he’s in Heaven,
And looking down at you.
He’ll be there through the coming years,
Watching over and guiding you. - He’s your very own guardian angel,
And he’ll be with you to the end,
When you meet again in Heaven,
And your broken heart will finally mend.
Cute Verses for Fathers Day from Child
Have you ever thought why Father’s Day is so important? It’s the day when all fathers become the center of everybody’s attention. Every father works hard to make his child happy, and he needs to know that children appreciate this. How often do you say to your father that you love him? It’s exactly the time to open your heart to your dad! Cute verses will become an ideal present for Fathers Day!
- What a lucky dad you are
And what a lucky man
To have such sassy offspring
As a member of your clan
So let me add just one last thing
The message that is key:
You really are most welcome
For having a child like me! - Dad you’ve always cared for me
When I bumped my head or scratched my knee
You’ve been amazing, you’ve been the best
So I’ve got something to suggest
One day I’ll take care of you,
When you’re old with dentures too.
And if you need a cane to walk,
Then I’ll walk slow so we can talk.
I won’t care how old you are
To me you’ll always be a star
I’ll love you more Dad, anyway,
So have a Happy Father’s Day! - He never looks for praises.
He’s never one to boast.
He just goes on quietly working
For those he loves the most.
His dreams are seldom spoken.
His wants are very few,
And most of the time his worries
Will go unspoken, too.
He’s there…a firm foundation
Through all our storms of life,
A sturdy hand to hold onto
In times of stress and strife.
A true friend we can turn to
When times are good or bad.
One of our greatest blessings,
The man that we call Dad. - Daddy, I love you
For all that you do.
I’ll kiss you and hug you
’Cause you love me, too.
You feed me and need me
To teach you to play,
So smile ’cause I love you
On this Father’s Day.
Short Poems for Congratulating Grandpa with Fathers Day
Your grandpa is another man, having an influence on you and your life. Despite the fact that grandfathers are the fathers of your parents, they’re still your fathers! Of course, it sounds a little bit weird, but who cares? It doesn’t matter how this sounds, it’s more important how this works. In fact, the grandpa is the first person who makes you smile. He is the one who protects you from parents’ punishments. Whose presents are the best ones? Whose jokes are the funniest ones? Whose advice is the most useful? This is still about your grandpa! Don’t forget to congratulate him on Father’s Day with the following short poems:
- What makes a man a hero?
I’ve often thought this through.
It’s someone who is macho?
It’s someone who is true?
No, that is not a hero.
He’s just a simple man.
Always there when things go wrong
and who does the best he can.
He had no need of medals
Or glory this is true.
That’s why, dear Grandpa
Our hero has to be you. - We have a wonderful grandfather,
One who’s never really grown old;
His smile is made of sunshine,
And his heart is solid gold;
His eyes are as bright as shining stars,
And in his cheeks fair roses you see.
We have a wonderful grandfather,
And that’s the way it will always be.
Happy Fathers Day! - Grandfather is the one that is my friend,
Grandfather is the one that is my guide.
How much I love, and how much I care,
Is too much to describe.
Happy Fathers Day! - You are the source of my happiness,
You make me smile,
Grandpa without you I can’t imagine my life
You give me the strength to strive,
Thanks for always being there,
Thanks a lot grandpa!
Fathers Day Poems for Stepdads to Express Appreciation
It’s an uneasy task to be a father, but being a stepdad is even harder. Only those men who have ever experienced this can explain to you how difficult it can be to win the trust of a child. If you don’t have a father, but have a stepfather, you’re a lucky person! All stepdads want to know that children appreciate them and their care. Fathers day is an excellent opportunity to tell your stepdad about your love. Poems, dedicated to stepdads, will surely help you to express your feelings!
- It’s Father’s Day, I’m sure you knew.
So here’s a wish that’s just for you
I know that sometimes I’m a pain,
And almost cause a ruptured brain.
I know that when I’m worse than bad,
It’s likely you’ll get very mad.
I know that I expect too much,
And think that you’re a nice soft touch.
I know sometimes I’ll ask for stuff
And you’ll reply, “You’ve got enough!”
I know when I disturb your sport
You’ll turn the volume up, and give a snort.
I know I make life hard to bear
And make you wish you were elsewhere.
One day, just like you I’ll be,
You’ve always been like a father to me. - I’m just sitting here thinking about what you mean to me,
Remembering all the things you’ve done for me,
You’ve been there for me from the start,
Knowing what to say to keep me from falling apart,
Taking everything that comes your way good or bad,
Even though you’re not my father you’ll always be my dad. - To me you are a
Priceless commodity
A wealth of wisdom
You’ve been to me
If I have thoughts
I need to share
Always I know
That you will care
I always enjoy the things
We do together
When done with you
They’re always better
You always have
An open mind
A better stepdad
I could never find. - I’m so lucky to have
A stepfather like you
Without you in my life
I don’t know what I’d do
When I need you
You’re there for me
A better stepfather
You couldn’t be
The bond we share
Will always be strong
In my eyes
You can do no wrong.