Futurama memes caught the Internet years ago. Well, with the appearance of the series themselves. The word “Futurama” represents quite a smart words game: it can be divided into the words “future” and “panorama” – by the way, the creative producers of these series are Matt Groening and David X. Cohen, who are the authors of the longest animated sitcom “The Simpsons”. Do you imagine the fantastic ideas that were born in the heads of that crazy duo?
Probably, every fan of this saga knows that there are plenty of funny Futurama memes. We are sure that every Futurama-follower used the Fry squinty eyes meme: of course, you remember that screen-shot! It suits any conversation that turns to be a suspicious one. Just think over a serious discussion, which you easily can turn into a funny one only with a Futurama Fry meme. You will immediately get the glory of a cool joker and an easy interlocutor.
The Internet experiences the flood of “not sure if” memes – they are usually made with the Fry’s face but Amy Wong is also a central character for the memes (with her really easy-to-read face she is a perfect one to become a meme star).
There are a lot of “legends” about Futurama’s expressiveness and candor. Probably, that is why there are so many images with the main characters of the series. By the way, the high level of popularity can be connected with the interest in space and the future.
Futurama is a bit scientific work; of course, there are a lot of fantastic elements, but there are also various ideas about how our next centuries will look. These ideas make us think over the following years and of our contribution to it. Well, several personally made memes will be a contribution too, we suppose.
Can’t Tell If Meme
Fry Squinty Eyes Meme
Futurama Fry Meme
Funny Futurama Meme
Not Sure If Meme
Suspicious Futurama Meme
Philip J Fry Meme
Fry Face From Futurana Meme
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