To roll your eyes is a sign of sarcasm and contempt in North American culture familiar to all of us. But did you know that it wasn’t always like this? People used this gesture in the conversation since the XV century.
However, then the eyes rolling was perceived as a sign of violence or sexual attraction, which is very much contrary to the current meaning, right? Anyway, this gesture is widely reflected in memes, jokes, and gifs.
Funny gifs are like funny pictures, but funnier because everything happens in motion. Look at our collection of cool animations, save your favorite ones and share them with your friends!
Rolling My Eyes Gif
Well, the usage of the gesture is obvious – a person can roll his or her eyes when someone blatantly talks nonsense or is asking just a wacky question, the answer to which can only be rolling eyes.
Rolling Eyes Emoticon Gif
How can you convey your discontent with the stupidity said by the other person not during a face-to-face meeting, but in correspondence? Well, there are special emoji for such cases!
Eye Roll Animated Gif

These gifs are the bright, colorful and animated way to say “blah-blah-blah, I’m not listening to you because you annoy me”.
Animated Picture of Rolling Eyes
If you hear someone’s full of hops, you can dramatically roll your eyes. However, if a person sees this, unlikely it’ll benefit your relationship. If this happens, say that you have neurosis.
Robert Downey Jr Eye Roll Gif

Meme with the actor Robert Downey Jr., who stands with his fold arms and rolls his eyes, expressing discontent, is much sought after! It speaks for itself. Sometimes, looking at this gif, I myself want to roll my eyes.
Extreme Eye Roll Gif
This woman is able to roll her eyes, so that you can’t see her pupils, but only the white eyeball. Do you want to learn how to do the same? Touch the pupils with your fingers and roll in any direction. They say you’ll see your own brain. The main thing is to roll eyes out.
Cooper Eye Roll Gif
Can you imagine a man – a famous newscaster – rolling his eyes in front of Hillary Clinton or a woman who officially represents the president? Yes, if it’s about Anderson Cooper! This gif would be a perfect choice if you want to show your friend that he is saying something wrong or annoys you!
Beyonce Eye Roll Animated Gif

If you’ve already heard Beyonce’s song many times but someone’s trying to send it to you, use this animated gif, – that’s a very good way to show that you are really tired of all this stuff!